JScript | |
public interface IPortfolioView implements IEntityObjectView, IView, IViewObject |
Name | Description | |
ActiveOfferings | Gets the active offerings. | |
AdvertisingEnabled | Gets or sets whether advertising is enabled. | |
Agents | Gets the agents. | |
AsOfDate | Gets as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IViewObject) | |
Attachments | Gets the attachments. | |
Broker | Gets the broker. | |
Brokers | Gets the brokers. | |
CensusStatistics | Gets the census statistics. | |
CssFile | Gets the CSS file. | |
CustomFields | Gets the custom fields. | |
DecisionSupportEnabled | Gets or sets whether decision support is enabled. | |
DeductionFrequency | Gets the deduction frequency. | |
DefaultAgent | Gets the default agent. | |
Deleted | Gets a value indicating whether this IViewObject is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IViewObject) | |
DependentRelationships | Gets the dependent relationships. | |
EDIParameters | Gets the edi parameters. | |
EligibilityRules | Gets the eligibility rules. | |
Employer | Gets the employer. | |
EnrollmentEndDate | Gets the enrollment end date. | |
EnrollmentRules | Gets the enrollment rules. | |
EnrollmentStartDate | Gets the enrollment start date. | |
ExtEngineConfigs | Gets the ext engine configs. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IViewObject) | |
ExternalReferenceIDs | Gets the external reference i ds. | |
ExtFileLocation | Gets the ext file location. | |
ExtPasswd | Gets the ext passwd. | |
ExtPortfolioID | Gets the ext portfolio identifier. | |
ExtUser | Gets the ext user. | |
ExtWebService | Gets the ext web service. | |
FolderGuid | Gets the folder unique identifier. | |
FormLibraryImagePath | Gets the form library image path. | |
GeneralRules | Gets the default enrollment rule. | |
GroupImagePath | Gets the group image path. | |
HomeImagePath | Gets the home image path. | |
ID | Gets the ID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IEntityObjectView) | |
Initialized | TRUE - if config was prepared by Server and ready to use. FALSE - just loaded from storage and ready to be prepared by Server | |
JobClasses | Gets the job classes. | |
LocalSessionOnly | Gets a value indicating whether [local session only]. | |
Locations | Gets the locations. | |
MedicalEngineSettings | Gets or sets medical engine settings. | |
Name | Gets the name. | |
Notes | Gets the notes. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IEntityObjectView) | |
Offerings | Gets the offerings. | |
Payers | Gets the payers. | |
PayGroups | Gets the pay groups. | |
PayrollFrequency | Gets the payroll frequency. | |
PayrollProviders | Gets the payroll providers. | |
PK | Gets the pk. | |
PlanYearStartDate | Gets the plan year start date. | |
PortfolioPath | Gets the portfolio path. | |
Presentations | Gets the presentations. | |
Products | Gets the products. | |
PublishEndDate | Gets the publish end date. | |
PublishEndDateTimezone | Gets the publish end date timezone. | |
PublishStartDate | Gets the publish start date. | |
PublishStartDateTimezone | Gets the publish start date timezone. | |
Readonly | Gets a value indicating whether this IViewObject is readonly. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IViewObject) | |
Regions | Gets the regions. | |
ShowProjectedAnnual | Gets or sets whether projected annual amount is shown. | |
SiteStyle | Gets the site style. | |
StoryLineContexts | Gets the story line contexts. | |
StoryLinePath | Gets the story line path. | |
TextItems | Gets the text items. | |
UniqueID | Gets the unique identifier. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IEntityObjectView) | |
UploadMode | Gets the upload mode. | |
Verified | Gets a value indicating whether this IViewObject is verified. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IViewObject) |
Name | Description | |
ActiveJobClassesExist | Actives the job classes exist. | |
ActiveJobClassesHaveLocations | Actives the job classes have locations. | |
ActiveLocationsExist | Actives the locations exist. | |
ActiveStandardProductTypes | Actives the standard product types. | |
BuildOfferingAndProductList | Builds the offering and product list. | |
BuildOfferingAndProductListLinkedToGeneralRules | Builds the offering and product list linked to general rules. | |
BuildOfferingProductsListUsingGeneralRule | Builds the offering products list using general rule. | |
Delete | Deletes this instance. | |
DisabledStandardProductTypes | Disableds the standard product types. | |
DuplicateDefaultEligibilityRuleJobClassesExist | Duplicates the default eligibility rule job classes exist. | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IView) | |
FindFormInfoFromStoryLineContext | Finds the form information from story line context. | |
FindOfferingProduct | Finds the offering product. | |
FormCompletedInStoryline | Forms the completed in storyline. | |
GetAnswer | Gets the answer. | |
GetAnswerTable | Gets the answer table. | |
GetConfig | Gets the config. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IViewObject) | |
GetEnumDescription | Gets the enum description. | |
GetEnumValue | Gets the enum value. | |
GetHashCode | Returns a hash code for this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.IView) | |
GetPayersByAlpha | Gets the payers by alpha. | |
GetTextItemText | Gets the text item text. | |
GetTextItemTextAndLanguage | Gets the text item text and language. | |
GetTextItemTextAndLanguageEx | Gets the text item text and language. | |
GetTextItemTextEx | Gets the text item text. | |
LoadNoteBySubjectType | Loads the type of the note by subject. | |
OfferingAndRateGroupList | Offerings the and rate group list. | |
ProductsUseGeneralEligibilityRules | Productses the use general eligibility rules. | |
ProductsUseGeneralEnrollmentRules | Productses the use general enrollment rules. | |
ProductsUseGeneralRule | Productses the use general rule. | |
PullAllOfferingProducts | Pulls all offering products. | |
RatesExist | Rateses the exist. | |
ResetCache | Resets the cache. | |
SaveAnswer | Saves the answer. | |
SetChoosePlanTypeAnswer | Sets the choose plan type answer. | |
SponsoredProvidersFound | Sponsoreds the providers found. | |
TextBankItemValueExists | Texts the bank item value exists. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family