Name | Description | |
AdminOverride | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [admin override]. | |
AdvertisingResponses | Gets the advertising responses. | |
AgentPending | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [agent pending]. | |
AllowSection125Change | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [allow section125 change]. | |
ApplicationDate | Gets or sets the application date. | |
ApplicationID | Gets the application identifier. | |
ApplicationPersons | Gets the application persons. | |
ApplicationProperties | Gets the application properties. | |
ApplicationResponses | Gets the application responses. | |
ApplicationXML | Gets the application XML. | |
AsOfDate | Gets as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
BaseRateCardCost | Gets or sets the base rate card cost. | |
BenefitAmount | Gets or sets the benefit amount. | |
BenefitAmountFrequencyID | Gets or sets the benefit amount frequency identifier. | |
BillingDate | Gets or sets the billing date. | |
BySiteGUID | Gets the by site unique identifier. | |
CaseProduct | Gets the case product. | |
CaseProductID | Gets the case product identifier. | |
ChangeReasons | Gets the change reasons. | |
Completed | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ApplicationView is completed. | |
CoverageTierChangeOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [coverage tier change only]. | |
CoverageType | Gets or sets the type of the coverage. | |
CoverageTypeID | Gets or sets the coverage type identifier. | |
CreateDate | Gets the create date. | |
DeductionFrequencyID | Gets or sets the deduction frequency identifier. | |
DeductionOptionCode | Gets or sets the deduction option code. | |
Deleted | Gets a value indicating whether this object is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
EffectiveDate | Gets or sets the effective date. | |
Employee | Gets the employee. | |
EmployeeAddCost | Gets or sets the employee add cost. | |
EmployeeCost | Gets or sets the employee cost. | |
EmployeeFee | Gets or sets the employee fee. | |
EmployerCost | Gets or sets the employer cost. | |
EmployerFee | Gets or sets the employer fee. | |
EmployerRateCardCost | Gets or sets the employer rate card cost. | |
EndBillingDate | Gets or sets the end billing date. | |
EnrollThroughDate | Gets or sets the enroll through date. | |
EventDate | Gets or sets the event date. | |
ExtEngineConfigs | Gets the ext engine configs. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
FaceAmount | Gets or sets the face amount. | |
FaceDeductionOptionCode | Gets or sets the face deduction option code. | |
Forms | Gets the forms. | |
ImputedIncome | Gets or sets the imputed income. | |
IncreaseBaseRateCardCost | Gets or sets the increase base rate card cost. | |
IncreaseBenefitAmount | Gets or sets the increase benefit amount. | |
IncreaseDeductionOptionCode | Gets or sets the increase deduction option code. | |
IncreaseEffectiveImmediate | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [increase effective immediate]. | |
IncreaseEmployeeAddCost | Gets or sets the increase employee add cost. | |
IncreaseEmployeeCost | Gets or sets the increase employee cost. | |
IncreaseEmployerCost | Gets or sets the increase employer cost. | |
IncreaseEmployerRateCardCost | Gets or sets the increase employer rate card cost. | |
IncreaseFaceAmount | Gets or sets the increase face amount. | |
IncreaseFaceDeductionOptionCode | Gets or sets the increase face deduction option code. | |
IncreaseRateCardCost | Gets or sets the increase rate card cost. | |
InitialEffectiveDate | Gets or sets the initial effective date. | |
IsReadyToSign | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is ready to sign. | |
IssueDate | Gets or sets the issue date. | |
IsTrash | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is trash. | |
LifeEventOverride | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [life event override]. | |
LocalUpdateTime | Gets the local update time. | |
LumpSum | Gets or sets the lump sum. | |
mDate | Gets the m date. | |
MeetsACAQualification | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [meets aca qualification]. | |
MinimumEssentialCoverage | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [minimum essential coverage]. | |
MinimumValueCoverage | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [minimum value coverage]. | |
OldEmployee | Gets the old employee. | |
OldEmployeeID | Gets the old employee identifier. | |
PayerProduct | Gets the payer product. | |
PayerProductID | Gets the payer product identifier. | |
PK | Gets the pk. | |
PlanYear | Gets the current plan year. | |
PlanYearID | Gets the plan year identifier. | |
PlanYearStartDate | Gets or sets the plan year start date. | |
PreDisQualify | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [pre dis qualify]. | |
RateCardCost | Gets or sets the rate card cost. | |
Readonly | Gets a value indicating whether this object is readonly. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
Reason | Gets or sets the reason. | |
ReasonTypeDescription | Gets the reason type description. | |
ReasonTypeID | Gets or sets the reason type identifier. | |
RepairLatestCoverageEffectiveDate | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [repair latest coverage effective date]. | |
Section125 | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ApplicationView is section125. | |
Session | Gets the session. | |
SiteGUID | Gets the site unique identifier. | |
TerminationDate | Gets or sets the termination date. | |
UniqueID | Gets the unique identifier. | |
Units | Gets or sets the units. | |
Verified | Gets a value indicating whether this object is verified. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
Version | Gets the version. | |
Waived | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ApplicationView is waived. | |
Withdrawn | Gets if application got withdrawn. | |
WithdrawnAsOfDate | Gets the date and time when application got withdrawn. | |
WithdrawnBy | Gets the user who withdrew application. |
Name | Description | |
AddBeneficiary | Adds the beneficiary. | |
AddCoverage | Adds the coverage. | |
AddCoverageAttr | Overloaded. Adds the coverage attribute. | |
AddImportData | Overloaded. Adds the import data. | |
AddRider | Overloaded. Adds the rider. | |
ApplicationPerson | Applications the person. | |
BeneficiaryCount | Overloaded. Beneficiaries the count. | |
CalcCoverageTypeByAppPerson | Calculates the coverage type by application person. | |
CalcEmployeeAddCost | Calculates the employee add cost. | |
CalcEmployeeCost | Calculates the employee cost. | |
CalcEmployerCost | Calculates the employer cost. | |
CleanUpApplication | Cleans up application. | |
CreateBeneficiary | Overloaded. Creates the beneficiary. | |
DeleteAdvertisingResponses | Delete the advertising responses | |
DeleteAppInfo | Deletes the application information. | |
DeleteApplicationReponseWithNoAppPerson | Deletes the application reponse with no application person. | |
DeleteAppPerson | Overloaded. Deletes the application person. | |
DeleteAppPersons | Deletes the application persons. | |
DeleteAppResponse | Deletes the application response. | |
Equals | Overridden. Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance. | |
GetAnswer | Overloaded. Gets the answer. | |
GetAnswerByLabel | Gets the answer by label. | |
GetApplicationProperty | Gets the application property. | |
GetBeneficiaries | Gets the beneficiaries. | |
GetCategory | Gets the Category. | |
GetConfig | Gets the config. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
GetCoverage | Gets the coverage. | |
GetCoverageAttr | Overloaded. Gets the coverage attribute. | |
GetHashCode | Overridden. Returns a hash code for this instance. | |
GetImportData | Gets the import data. | |
GetLabel | Gets the label. | |
GetOwners | Gets the owners. | |
GetQuestionnaire | Gets the questionnaire. | |
GetRiders | Gets the riders. | |
GetRidersStatus | Gets the riders status. | |
GetUWPending | Gets the computed UWPending status of application | |
HasBeneficiary | Determines whether the specified insured person has beneficiary. | |
RemoveRider | Overloaded. Removes the rider. | |
Reset | Resets this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.AbstractView) | |
SetApplicationProperty | Sets the application property. | |
SignApplication | Signs the application. | |
UnsignApplication | Unsigns the application. |
Equality | Implements the operator ==. |
Inequality | Implements the operator !=. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family