Name | Description | |
ACA | ACA setup. | |
ActiveCaseDocuments | Gets or sets all case documents. | |
ActiveCaseProducts | Gets the active case products. | |
ActivePlanYears | Gets the active plan years. | |
AdvertisingEnabled | Gets or sets advertising is enabled for this case. | |
AllCaseProducts | Gets or sets all case products. | |
AllLocations | Gets or sets all locations. | |
AllowEmployeeDocumentation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether employee documentation is allowed. | |
AllowLifeEvents | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [allow life events]. | |
AllPayers | Get the list of all payers on the case | |
AllPlanYears | Gets all plan years. | |
AllPresentations | Gets or sets all presentations. | |
AsOfDate | Gets as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
AutoAddDepartment | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto add department]. | |
AutoConfirm | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto confirm]. | |
AutoExtract | Gets or sets a value indicating whether system should rebuild case extract every time case changed. | |
BankAddressRequired | Gets or sets the bank address required. | |
BeneficiaryNumberGeneration | Method to use to generate beneficiary number on newly created person records. | |
Brokerage | Gets or sets the brokerage. | |
CaseBuilderNotes | Gets the case builder notes. | |
CaseID | Gets the case ID. | |
CaseProperties | Gets or sets the case properties. | |
CasePublished | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [case published]. | |
CasePublishedNow | Checks if current case is enabled on enrollment site right now. Take in account if current date and time is within CasePublished datetime period and CasePublished property is true. | |
CasePublishEnd | Gets or sets the case publish end date and time. | |
CasePublishEndTimezone | Gets or sets the case publish start timezone for display. | |
CasePublishStart | Gets or sets the case publish start date and time. | |
CasePublishStartTimezone | Gets or sets the case publish start timezone for display. | |
CaseSource | Indicates the source case was published from. | |
ChatAssistanceEnabled | ||
CoBrowseEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [co browse enabled]. | |
CoBrowseImage | Gets or sets the co-browse image. | |
ConfirmEmployeeInformation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [confirm employee information]. | |
ConfirmEnrollmentCity | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [confirm enrollment city]. | |
ConfirmSSN | Gets or sets if the employee has to enter the SSN twice. | |
CountryOfCitizenshipRequired | Gets or sets the country of citizenship required. | |
CSSFile | Gets or sets the CSS file. | |
CurrentEndOpenEnrollment | Gets the current end open enrollment. | |
CurrentStartEnrollment | Gets the current start enrollment. | |
CustomFields | Gets or sets the custom fields. | |
DaysPerWeekRequired | Gets or sets the days per week required. | |
DBSelfHelpEnrollerID | Gets or sets the self help enroller ID. | |
DecisionSupportEnabled | Gets or sets decision support engine is enabled for this case. | |
DefaultChangePINReq | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [default change PIN req]. | |
DefaultPINType | Gets or sets the default PIN type. | |
DefaultUserIdRule | Gets or sets the rule for building a default UserID. | |
DeleteAfter | Gets or sets the delete after date | |
Deleted | Gets a value indicating whether this object is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
Deliverables | Deliverable collection for this case | |
DemographicDependentChangeAllowed | Gets a value indicating whether [demographic dependent change allowed]. | |
DemographicEmployeeChangeAllowed | Gets a value indicating whether [demographic employee change allowed]. | |
DependentAddressReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
DependentCitizenshipReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
DependentDOBReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
DependentGenderReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
DependentNameReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
DependentNumberGeneration | Method to use to generate dependent number on newly created person records. | |
DependentPriorNameReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
DependentRelationshipReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
Description | Gets or sets the description. | |
EmailRequired | Gets or sets the email required. | |
EmployeeDOBReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
EmployeeGenderReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
EmployeeIdentGlobal | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [employee ident global]. | |
EmployeeIDRequired | Gets or sets the employee ID required. | |
EmployeeNameReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether item is readonly. | |
EmployeeSSNRequired | Gets or sets the employee SSN required. | |
EmployeeUserIDRequired | Gets or sets the employee user ID required. | |
Employer | Gets or sets the employer. | |
EmployerInfoRequired | Gets or sets EmployerInfoRequired. | |
EnabledPlanYears | Get all active plan years - including the case's plan year, that is usually not present in the Active Plan Years collection | |
EndOpenEnrollment | Gets or sets the end open enrollment. | |
Engage | Engage setup. | |
EngageInboxEnabled | Gets a value if engagement portal inbox is enabled on case. | |
EnrollerRequirements | Gets or sets the enroller requirements. | |
EnrollmentLocation | Gets or sets the enrollment location. | |
EnrollmentTimeZone | Gets enrollment time zone | |
ExpirationDate | Gets or sets the expiration date. | |
ExtEngineConfigs | Gets the ext engine configs. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
ExternalID | Gets or sets the external ID. | |
ExtractChangeDate | Gets or sets the when the case extract last time was done. | |
ExtSystemID | Gets or sets the ext system ID. | |
FileName | Path to object config file. | |
FolderGuid | GUID of parent folder object. | |
FormLibraryImage | Gets or sets the form library image. | |
GroupImagePath | Gets or sets the group image path. | |
HasFormLibrary | Determines whether [has form library]. | |
HashedDate | Gets or sets the hashed date. | |
HideTabs | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [hide tabs]. Note: HideTabs really indicates the showing of the navigation instead of the hiding of it. This needs to be renamed in the database. | |
HomePhoneRequired | Gets or sets the home phone required. | |
HourlyWageRequired | Gets or sets the HourlyWage required. | |
HoursPerWeekRequired | Gets or sets the hours per week required. | |
HrxEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Hrx feature enabled on Case level. | |
IncludeInBilling | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [include in billing]. | |
InfoAltText | Gets or sets the info alt text. | |
InfoImage | Gets or sets the info image. | |
InfoURL | Gets or sets the info URL. | |
IntroPresentations | Gets the intro presentations. | |
JobTitleRequired | Gets or sets the job title required. | |
LastAccessTime | Gets or sets the last access time. | |
LatestActivePlanYear | Gets the latest active plan year. | |
LatestActivePlanYearEndOpenEnrollment | Gets the latest active plan year end of open enrollment date. | |
LatestActivePlanYearStartDate | Gets the latest active plan year start date. | |
LatestActivePlanYearStartEnrollment | Gets the latest active plan year start of enrollment date. | |
LatestEnabledEndOpenEnrollment | Gets the latest enabled end open enrollment. | |
LatestEnabledEndOpenEnrollmentDate | Gets the latest enabled end open enrollment date. | |
LatestEnabledPlanYear | Gets the latest enabled plan year. | |
LatestEnabledPlanYearStartDate | Gets the latest enabled plan year start date. | |
LatestEnabledStartEnrollment | Gets the latest enabled start enrollment. | |
Locations | Gets the locations. | |
Locked | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ETI.DAL.clsCase is locked. | |
MailingAddressRequired | Gets or sets the mailing address required. | |
ManagerBrokerage | Gets or sets the case manager brokerage. | |
MaritalStatusRequired | Gets or sets the prior name required. | |
MedicalEngineSettings | Gets or sets the medical decision support settings. | |
MinHoursPerWeekRequired | Gets or sets the min hours per week required. | |
MinSalaryRequired | Gets or sets the min salary required. | |
MobilePhoneRequired | Gets or sets the mobile phone required. | |
NewEmployeeAllowed | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [new employee allowed]. | |
NewEmployeePresentations | Gets the new employee presentations. | |
NoSignSubmitReview | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [no sign submit review]. | |
NoSignWhenAllWaived | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [no sign when all waived]. | |
PerpetualEnrollment | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow perpetual enrollment or not. | |
PersonalEmailRequired | Gets or sets the personal email required. | |
PK | Primary key of the object. | |
PlanYearStartDate | Gets or sets the plan year start date. | |
PostEnrollmentAutomaticReports | Gets or sets the post enrollment automatic reports | |
PriorNameRequired | Gets or sets the prior name required. | |
ProgressBarLocation | Gets or sets the progress bar location. | |
PTORequired | Gets or sets the PTO required. | |
PurgeAfterDays | Gets or sets the purge after days. | |
QuickEnroll | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [quick enroll]. | |
Readonly | Gets a value indicating whether this object is readonly. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
RelativePath | Gets or sets the relative path. | |
ReportLogo | Gets or sets the report logo. | |
ResidentAddressRequired | Gets or sets the resident address required. | |
SalaryRequired | Gets or sets the salary required. | |
ScreenShareEnrollmentAssistanceEnabled | Gets screen share enrollment assistance is enabled for this case. | |
SelfHelpEnroller | Gets the self help enroller. | |
SelfHelpEnrollerID | Gets the self help enroller identifier. | |
SendToPersonalEmailEnabled | Gets a value if the engage portal sends to the employee's personal email. | |
SendToPrimaryEmailEnabled | Gets a value if the engage portal sends to the employee's primary email. | |
SessionTimeout | Gets or sets the session timeout. | |
ShowNavigation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to [Show] page navigation. | |
ShowProjectedAnnual | Gets or sets projected annual amount is shown for this case. | |
SignAsDefaultEnroller | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [sign as default enroller]. | |
SkipBenefitSnapshot | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip benefit snapshot]. | |
SkipBenefitSnapshotAfterPlanReview | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip benefit snapshot after plan review]. | |
SkipDependentsInfo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip dependents info]. | |
SkipEmploymentInfo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip employment info]. | |
SkipPaymentScreen | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to skip the payment screen. | |
SkipPersonalInfo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip personal info]. | |
SkipPresentation | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip presentation]. | |
SmallLogo | Gets or sets the small logo. | |
StartEnrollment | Gets or sets the start enrollment. | |
StatusLocation | Gets or sets the status location. | |
StructureChangeDate | Gets or sets the case structure change date. | |
TotalCostRequired | Gets or sets the total cost required. | |
TotalERCostRequired | Gets or sets the total ER cost required. | |
TotalPostTaxCostRequired | Gets or sets the total post tax cost required. | |
TotalPreTaxCostRequired | Gets or sets the total pre tax cost required. | |
TrackEnrollmentMethod | Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the Enrollment Method (Face to Face, Call Center, etc.) is tracked. | |
Training | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ETI.DAL.clsCase is traning. | |
Traning | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ETI.DAL.clsCase is traning. | |
Type | Gets the type. | |
UniqueID | GUID of configuration object. | |
UseLocationAsCase | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use location as case]. | |
UserGuideImage | Gets or sets the user guide image. | |
ValidationDocumentRequired | Gets or sets the validation document required. | |
Verified | Gets a value indicating whether this object is verified. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
WaiveAll | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [waive all]. | |
WorkPhoneRequired | Gets or sets the work phone required. |
Name | Description | |
CheckUserHasAccess | Check if user has access to this case. | |
DisablePaymentTypeAllowed | Disables the payment type allowed. | |
EnablePaymentTypeAllowed | Enables the payment type allowed. | |
Equals | Overridden. Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance. | |
FindCustomField | Overloaded. Finds the custom field. | |
FindCustomFieldInfo | Finds the custom field info | |
GetACAEligibleJobClass | Returns ACA eligible class for specified job class. | |
GetACAError | Gets the ACA Submission Error. | |
GetACAIneligibleJobClass | Returns ACA ineligible class for specified job class. | |
GetACAOverride | Gets the ACA override. | |
GetBrokers | Gets the brokers. | |
GetCaseProperty | Gets the case property. | |
GetCoBrowseCount | Get the number of CoBrowse Employee records | |
GetCompanyNameByEIN | Gets the company name by ein. | |
GetConfig | Gets the config. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
GetDaysLeft | Days left for this case | |
GetDefaultPINForRelationship | Gets the default PIN type for a given relationship | |
GetEmployerEIN | Returns case employer's EIN. | |
GetExternalData | Gets the external data. | |
GetFollowupCount | Get the number of Agent Followups left | |
GetFormLibrary | Gets the form library. | |
GetHashCode | Overridden. Returns a hash code for this instance. | |
GetLanguages | Gets a list of Languages supported by the Case. | |
GetLaptopVersionDateTime | Gets the laptop version date time. | |
GetPayerCompanyName | Gets the case payer contact company name or the payer name. | |
GetPayerContact | Overloaded. Gets the payer's contact information using payer's ID. | |
GetPayerControlNumber | Overloaded. Gets the payer's control number using payer's ID. | |
GetPayerEIN | Overloaded. Gets the payer's EIN number using payer's ID. | |
GetPayerProducts | Overloaded. Gets all payerproducts associated with case. | |
GetPayers | Gets the payers. | |
GetPayersAppointmentsReq | Gets the payers appointments req. | |
GetPayersLicenseReq | Gets the payers license req. | |
GetPaymentTypeAllowed | Gets the payment type allowed. | |
GetPayrollCompanies | Gets the payroll companies. | |
GetPendingCount | Get the number of employees in a pending state | |
GetPreviousPlanYearID | Get the previous plan year id | |
GetRefID | Gets the ref ID. | |
GetRelationshipCanEnroll | Gets the relationship that can enroll. | |
GetSummaryByEmployee | Overloaded. Get the summary of the case by enrollment status by employee | |
GetSystemTaskUser | Gets the system task user. | |
GetUserToDoList | Gets the user to do list. | |
IsFeatureLicensed | Checks to see if the provided feature is licensed for current case | |
Reset | Resets this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.AbstractView) |
Equality | Implements the operator ==. |
Inequality | Implements the operator !=. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family