Name | Description | |
AccountholderName | Gets or sets the name of the accountholder. | |
ActiveApplications | Gets the list of application records. | |
ActiveCoverages | Gets the list of coverage records. | |
ActiveForms | Gets the list of form records created for employee. | |
ActivePaymentTransactions | Gets the list of payment transactions. | |
ActivePeople | Gets the list of person records. | |
ActivePersonDocuments | Gets the list of person documents that not deleted. | |
Address | Gets the address. | |
AddressHistory | Gets or sets the address history. | |
AdultBenefitRecipient | Gets the adult benefit recipient. | |
AllCustomFields | Gets all custom fields of employee. | |
AllPersonDocuments | Gets all person documents including documents that deleted. | |
AsOfDate | Gets as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
BankAccountType | Gets or sets the type of the bank account. | |
BankAddress | Gets or sets the bank address. | |
BankCity | Gets or sets the bank city. | |
BankDraftDay | Gets or sets the bank draft day. | |
BankName | Gets or sets the name of the bank. | |
BankNumber | Gets or sets the bank number. | |
BankRouting | Gets or sets the bank routing. | |
BankState | Gets or sets the state of the bank. | |
BankType | Gets or sets the type of the bank. | |
BankZip | Gets or sets the bank zip. | |
Bonus | Gets or sets the bonus. | |
BySiteGUID | Gets the by site unique identifier. | |
Case | Gets the current group record of employee. | |
CaseID | Gets the case identifier. | |
CensusLoadDate | Gets the census load date. | |
ChangePINReq | Gets or sets a value indicating whether change pin required on first login. | |
ChatSessions | Gets the employee chat sessions. | |
Commissions | Gets or sets the commissions. | |
CreditExpiration | Gets or sets the credit card expiration data. | |
CreditNumber | Gets or sets the credit card number. | |
CreditSecurityCode | Gets or sets the credit card security code. | |
CreditType | Gets or sets the type of the credit card. | |
CustomFields | Gets the custom fields hashtable where key is custom field name. | |
DateOfHire | Gets or sets the date of hire. | |
DaysPerWeek | Gets or sets the how many days per week employee working. | |
DeductionFrequencyID | Gets or sets the deduction frequency override for employee. Deduction frequency usually calculeted based on pay group of employee. | |
Deleted | Gets a value indicating whether this object is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
DeletedForms | Gets the list of deleted forms. | |
DeletedPeople | Gets the list of deleted people. | |
Department | Gets the department. | |
DepartmentID | Gets the department identifier. | |
DomesticPartnerPerson | Gets the domestic partner. | |
Duties | Gets or sets the duties. | |
EligibilityDate | Gets or sets the eligibility date. If empty that date will be calculated base on plan rules. | |
EligiblePlans | Gets/Sets the employee eligible plans. | |
Gets or sets the email. | ||
Email2 | Gets or sets the email2. | |
EmployeeEnrollmentStatusDate | Gets the employee enrollment status change date. | |
EmployeeEnrollmentStatusID | Gets the employee enrollment status identifier. | |
EmployeeEvents | Gets the employee events. | |
EmployeeID | Gets the employee identifier. | |
EmployeeIdent | Gets or sets the employee id assigned by employer. Not the same as EmployeeID. | |
EmployeeLocation | Gets the current employment record of employee. | |
EmployeeLocations | Gets the employee locations history. | |
EmployeePerson | Gets the employee personal information. | |
EmployeeSession | Gets the employee enrollment session. | |
EmployeeStatusID | Gets the employee status identifier. | |
Engage | Engage setup. | |
EnrollThroughDate | Gets or sets the enroll through date. | |
EstTax | Gets or sets the EST tax. | |
ExtEngineConfigs | Gets the ext engine configs. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
ExternalPaymentProvider | Gets a value indicating whether external payment provider was used during enrollment. | |
FederalTax | Gets or sets the federal tax. | |
FederalUnemploymentTax | Gets or sets the federal unemployment tax. | |
FTERate | Gets or sets the FTE rate. | |
HourlyWage | Gets or sets the hourly wage. | |
HoursPerWeek | Gets or sets the hours per week. | |
JobClass | Gets the job class. | |
JobClassID | Gets the job class identifier. | |
LastCoverageChangeEvent | Gets the last coverage change event. | |
LastLockedOutDate | Gets the last locked out date. | |
LastLoginDate | Gets the last login date. | |
LastUpdate | Gets the last update. | |
LocalUpdateTime | Gets the local update time. UTC time. | |
Location | Gets the employee location. | |
Lock | Gets a value indicating whether this employee record is locked. | |
MaritalStatusID | Gets or sets the marital status identifier. | |
MarriageDate | Gets or sets the marriage date. | |
Married | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this employee is married. | |
mDate | Gets or sets the last modification date. | |
MedicareTax | Gets or sets the medicare tax. | |
Notes | Gets the notes. | |
OldCaseID | Gets the old case identifier. | |
Overtime | Gets or sets the overtime. | |
PasswordHintAnswer | Gets the password hint answer. | |
PasswordHintQuestion | Gets or sets the password hint question. | |
PayHistory | Gets the employee pay records. | |
PaymentType | Gets or sets the type of the payment. | |
PayrollFrequencyID | Gets or sets the payroll frequency identifier. | |
PayrollLocation | Gets the current pay group. | |
PayrollLocationID | Gets the payroll location identifier. | |
PCPProvider | Gets or sets the PCP provider. | |
People | Gets the people. | |
PeopleCanEnroll | Gets the people can enroll. | |
PIN | Gets the pin. | |
PK | Gets the pk. | |
PTOBalance | Gets or sets the PTO balance. | |
PTOCost | Gets or sets the PTO cost. | |
Readonly | Gets a value indicating whether this object is readonly. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
ReasonTypeDescription | Gets the reason type description. | |
ReasonTypeID | Gets or sets the reason type identifier. | |
Recommendations | Returns enrollment recommendations for employee. | |
RecommendationsByCaseProduct | Returns Hashtable of enrollment recommendations for employee indexed by both XMLTagName and CaseProductID. | |
ReportEvent | Report Event. It is set to report event is employee is accessed from report. | |
Salary | Gets or sets the salary. | |
Sessions | Gets the list of enrollment sessions. | |
SocialSecurityTax | Gets or sets the social security tax. | |
SpousePerson | Gets the employee spouse personal information. | |
StateUnemploymentTax | Gets or sets the state unemployment tax. | |
StockOptionGrantValue | Gets or sets the stock option grant value. | |
TerminationDate | Gets or sets the employment termination date. | |
Title | Gets or sets the title. | |
UniqueID | Gets the unique identifier. | |
UserID | Gets or sets the user identifier. | |
Verified | Gets a value indicating whether this object is verified. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
WorkersComp | Gets or sets the workers comp. |
Name | Description | |
DepartmentState | Gives you state code base on rule typr | |
Equals | Overridden. Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance. | |
GetACAError | Gets the ACA Submission Error. | |
GetACAOverride | Gets the ACA override. | |
GetConfig | Gets the config. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) | |
GetCustom | Gets the custom field. | |
GetCustomField | Gets the custom field. | |
GetDeductionCodes | Overloaded. Gets the deduction codes. | |
GetDeductionCodesByCoverage | Gets the deduction codes by coverage. | |
GetDeductionCodesByCoverageEx | Gets the deduction codes by coverage. | |
GetDeductionCodesByCoverageExByDate | Gets the deduction codes by coverage. | |
GetDeductionCodesEx | Overloaded. Gets the deduction codes. | |
GetDefaultPIN | Gets the default pin. | |
GetDeliverables | Gets the list of deliverables where employee or employee's dependents were involved | |
GetEligiblePlans | Gets the employee eligible plans by plan year. !!! Please note to use EligiblePlans property if you need to find eligible plans for plan year set in current context. | |
GetEligiblePlansByDate | Gets the eligible plans. | |
GetEligiblePlansByJobClass | Gets the eligible plans. | |
GetEligibleProductsByDate | Gets the eligible products by date. | |
GetEmployeeLocationForDate | Gets the Employee Location for a given date. If the date is before the first employee location, the first employee location will be returned. | |
GetEmployeeProducts | Gets the employee products. | |
GetGroupNumbers | Overloaded. Gets the group numbers. | |
GetGroupNumbersByDate | Gets the group numbers by date. | |
GetGroupNumbersEx | Overloaded. Gets the group numbers ex. | |
GetHashCode | Overridden. Returns a hash code for this instance. | |
GetLastApplication | Gets the last application. | |
GetLastCompletedApplication | Overloaded. Gets the last completed application. | |
GetLastCoverage | Gets the last coverage. | |
GetLastCoverageEx | Gets the last coverage ex. | |
GetLastIncompletePaymentTransaction | Gets the last incomplete payment transaction. | |
GetPriorBenefits | Gets the prior benefits. | |
GetSpouse | Gets the spouse. | |
HasChildren | Tests to determine if the Employee has any children. | |
HasCoverages | Determines whether this employee has coverages. | |
HasDependents | Determines whether this employee has dependents. | |
HasEvent | Determines whether this employee has the specified event type in last n days. | |
HasLifeProducts | Determines whether employee has life products. | |
HasOpenApps | Determines whether employeehas open applications. | |
HasPriorBenefits | Determines whether employee has prior benefits. | |
HasSpouse | Determines whether the specified same sex domestic partner as spouse has a spouse. | |
IsMarried | Determines whether this employee is married. | |
LatestCoverages | Overloaded. Latests the coverages. | |
Reset | Resets this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.AbstractView) | |
SaveCustom | Saves the custom. | |
SetDefaultPIN | Sets the default pin. | |
SetDefaultUserID | Sets the default user identifier. | |
UpdateCustomField | Updates the custom field. | |
UserHasAccess | Users the has access. |
Equality | Implements the operator ==. |
Inequality | Implements the operator !=. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family