| Name | Description |
| AddNewPolicyAllowedRule | New policy can added for insured to addition of existing policy. |
| AdultBenefitRecipientAsSpouse | Use adult benefit recipient as spouse in rate calculations. |
| AgeBaseDateCalc | Type of age calculation. |
| AllowBlankSSN6Mo | The allow blank ssn for kids younger than 6 month |
| AllowEmployeeCredit | Indicates if employee credit is allowed. |
| AllowFinishSelfEnrollmentWithoutAgent | Allow self service w/o agent signature. |
| AllowSection125Change | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [allow section125 change]. |
| AllowStepDownIncrease | The allow step down increase |
| AnnualEnrollmentRequired | Will require applicant re-enroll into plan. |
| ApplyFTERate | Do we need apply FTE rate |
| AsOfDate | Gets as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) |
| AutoEnroll | Will enroll into plan if applicant doesn't have coverage. Initial value set to false. |
| AutoReEnroll | Will re-calculate existing coverage. |
| BenefitExclusionAmount | Max amount excluded from plan maximum benefit amount. |
| BenefitExclusionPercent | Max benefit amount of plan reduced by percent of salary. |
| BenefitExclusionRule | Benefit amount of plan reduction rule. |
| CanNotWaive | Applicant cannot waive plan. |
| CaseProductCreditID | Sets the case product credit ID. |
| CaseProductCreditRule | Indicates if [CaseProductCreditRule]. |
| CaseProductMaxBenefitIncludesID | Sets CaseProductMaxBenefitIncludesID to zero. |
| CaseProductNotIncludeID | Sets CaseProductNotIncludeID to zero. |
| CaseProductNotIncludeRule | Indicates if the case product does not include a rule. |
| CaseProductReplace | Gets the case product replace. |
| CaseProductReplaceID | ID of plan we replace with. |
| CaseProductReplaceRule | Is plan replacement enabled. |
| CaseProductRequiredRule | Is plan required rule enabled. |
| ClickAcceptSignatureAllowed | Click to accept signature is allowed. |
| ConfirmWaive | Indicates if [ConfirmWaive]. |
| ConfirmWaiveIfNotLateEntrant | Indicates if ConfirmWaiveIfNotLateEntrant. |
| CSSFile | Creates empty string for css file. |
| CustomFieldID | Sets CustomFieldID to zero. |
| CustomFieldValue | Creates and empty string for custom field values. |
| CutofDay | Last day of the month when changes will be in effect next month. If later effective date will be month after next. |
| DeductBeforePlanEffectiveDate | Deductions can be taken before plan effective date |
| DeductionDateBeforeEffectiveDate | How many days deduction date is before effective date. |
| DefaultBenefitAmount | Default benefit amount. |
| DefaultBenefitLevel | DefaultBenefitLevel. Can be set as zero indexed value to force use of benefit level during auto enroll if benefit level can not be calculated of last year coverage. |
| DefaultCoverageType | Default coverage tier |
| DefaultDeductionFrequency | Default deduction frequency |
| Deleted | Gets a value indicating whether this object is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) |
| DependentEligibilityScript | OnDependentEligible JScript. |
| DigitizedSignatureAllowed | Digitized (Topaz) signature is allowed. |
| DisableQuickEnroll | Disable quick enroll step on plan. |
| DomesticPartnerPostTaxOnly | Premium portion of demestic partner is post-tax only. |
| DoNotConfirmWaive | Indicates if [DoNoConfirmWaive]. |
| EffectiveDate | Date on which the coverage goes into effect. |
| EffectiveDateCalc | Type of efective date calculation. |
| EligibilityScript | OnEligible JScript. |
| EmployeeDOBRequired | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [employee date of birth required]. |
| EmployeeMobilePhoneRequired | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [employee mobile phone required]. |
| EmployeePersonalEmailRequired | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [employee personal email required]. |
| EmployerContributionMax | Indicates the maximum employee contribution. |
| EmployerContributionPercentage | Indicates the employer contribution percentage. |
| EmployerContributionRule | Indicates if [EmployerContributionRule]. |
| EnforceGILimit | The enforce gi limit |
| EngineExtensionID | Reference to engine extension plugin. |
| EnrollmentPreSelection | Specifies default pre-selection for Apply/Decline choice on application screen for coverage 'Apply' - Apply coverage option will checked on aplication screen 'Waive' - Waive coverage option will checked on aplication screen 'Neither' - Apply and Waive options will unchecked on aplication screen |
| EnrollThroughDate | Date that, by default, employees are allowed to enroll through. |
| ExistingCoverageCancelOnly | Allow only cancel existing coverage. |
| ExistingCoverageWaive | Waive existing coverage. |
| ExtendCoverageThroughEndMonth | Extends coverage till end of the month after employee is terminated. |
| ExtendGracePeriodToEOM | Extend grace period to end of month. |
| ExtEngineConfigs | Gets the ext engine configs. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) |
| ForceLateEntry | Indicates whether an applicant who did not enroll when eligible last year should be subject to additional underwriting. Applicants who enroll outside their initial grace period are considered late entrants |
| ForcePlanEffectiveDateDuringEnrollment | Use plan effective date during enrollment. |
| GILimitSteps | How many steps they can increase benefit amount without pending. |
| GracePeriod | Grace period of the product in days. |
| GracePeriodStart | When grace period starts after eligibility date in days. |
| GracePeriodType | Indicates whether grace period is days or months |
| GrandfatherBenefitAmounts | Evaluate previous and current coverage benefit amounts and use the larger of the two. |
| HourlyWageRequired | Need Hourly Wage for enrollment |
| HoursWorkedRequired | Need employee working hours per week |
| IgnoreUnconfirmedApplicationRule | Indicates if [IgnoreUnconfirmedApplicationRule]. |
| IncludeNewHires | Use plan effective date during enrollment. |
| IncreaseEffectiveImmediatelyRule | Is increase effective immediately. |
| IncreaseNotAllowedRule | Increases require special underwriting rules. If true existing policy will be replaced. If false then it will add additional amount to existing policy. |
| InheritFormsFromProductLibrary | Sets the initial value to false. |
| InheritPresentationsFromProductLibrary | Is [Inherit presentations from product library. |
| InheritScriptsFromProductLibrary | Sets the initial value to false. |
| InsuredAddressRequired | Need insured address for enrollment |
| InsuredEmailRequired | Need insured email for enrollment |
| InsuredGenderRequired | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [insured gender required]. |
| InsuredHomePhoneRequired | Insured home phone required |
| InsuredMaritalStatusRequired | Insured marital status required |
| InsuredSSNRequired | Need insured SSN for enrollment |
| InsuredWorkPhoneRequired | Insured work phone required |
| IsEmptyConfig | Indicates if IsEmptyConfig. |
| IssueDate | Official issue date of the policy. |
| LifeEventScript | OnLifeEvent JScript. |
| LoadConfigScript | OnLoad JScript. |
| MaxBenefitIncludesRule | Indicates if the maximum benefit includes rule. |
| MaxBenefitPercent | Plan max benefit is percent of dependent plan |
| MaxIncreaseAllowedRule | Rule for max benefit amount increase enabled. |
| MaxIncreaseRule | They can increase benefit amount before it pended. |
| MaxIncreaseSalaryRule | They can increase benefit amount for percent of salary before pending. |
| MinBenefitPercent | The minimum benefit percent |
| MinBenefitRequired | Plan is enabled if required plan enrolled in min amount. |
| MinEmployeePremiumRequired | Plan is enabled if required plan has min premium. |
| MinEmployerPremiumRequired | Plan is enabled if required plan has min employer cost. |
| MinHoursPerWeekRequired | Gets or sets the min hours per week required. |
| MultiplyBenefitAmountIncludes | The multiply benefit amount includes |
| NewCoverageWaive | Will waive plan if applicant doesn't have coverage. |
| NewHiresNotLateEntry | with this setting, then if they are in their grace period, they are never late entrants/always new entry |
| NoChangeWithoutEnroller | Applicant cannot make changes to plan during self-enrollment. |
| OneStepSignatureAllowed | One step signature is allowed. |
| OnlyPrimaryInsuredSSNRequired | Need only primary insured SSN for enrollment |
| OpenYearRound | Enrollment open all year. |
| OppositeSexDomesticPartnerAsSpouse | Use opposite sex domestic partners as spouse in rate calculations. |
| OppositeSexDomesticPartnerOverAge | Use opposite sex domestic partners as spouse in rate calculations after some age. |
| PendCoverageIfRequiredCoverageFullPending | This coverage is pend if required coverage is 100% pending |
| PINSignatureAllowed | PIN signature is allowed. |
| PolicyChangesNotAllowedRule | The changes not allowed rule Can't change existing policy |
| PremiumRoundingMode | Type of the rounding for premium. Up, Down, Math or Banking. |
| ProductNotIncludeID | Plan disabled if product with ID selected |
| RatesAndFormsState | Defines what state to use in rates and forms calculation.
- Session
- Group Domicile Address
- Employee home address
- Location state
| Readonly | Gets a value indicating whether this object is readonly. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) |
| RecalcConfigScript | OnRecalc JScript. |
| ReplacePolicyNumber | If true then new coverage with no policy number is created. |
| RequiredYearsOfServiceRule | Rule years required is enabled. |
| RetroactiveEffectiveDate | Is retroactive effective date. |
| RoundBenefitAmountAfterStepdown | Allows Rounding of benefit after step down |
| RoundFactor | Round benefit amount by 10, 100, 1000 and so on. |
| RoundingMode | Type of the rounding for benefit amount. Up, Down, Math or Banking. |
| RoundSalaryFirst | Rounds employee salary before applying multiplyer in calculation of benefit amount. |
| SalaryRequired | Need employee salary for enrollment |
| SameBenefit | Indicates if same benefit. |
| SameCoverageTier | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [same coverage tier]. |
| SameCoverateTier | Indicates if same coverage tier. |
| SameFaceAmount | Indicates if face amount be used instead of benefit amount when dependency rules are applied. |
| SameSexDomesticPartnerAsSpouse | Use same sex domestic partners as spouse in rate calculations. |
| SameSexDomesticPartnerOverAge | Use same sex domestic partners as spouse in rate calculations after some age. |
| SameSexSpouse | Allow same sex spouses. |
| SaveConfigScript | OnSave JScript. |
| Section125 | Indicates that the premiums should be deducted on a pre-tax basis. |
| ShowBenefitAmount | Sets the initial value to true. |
| ShowCoverageOption | Sets the initial value to true. |
| ShowCoverageTier | Sets the initial value to true. |
| ShowEmployeeAddCost | Sets the initial value to true. |
| ShowEmployeeCost | Sets the initial value to true. |
| ShowEmployerCost | Sets the initial value to true. |
| ShowOnEnrollmentSite | Show plan on enrollment site. |
| ShowProduct | Sets the initial value to true. |
| SpecialEnrollmentEnd | Override for enrollment plan-level end date. |
| SpecialEnrollmentStart | Override for enrollment plan-level start date. |
| TerminateDate | Date on which the coverage will be auto terminated. |
| UndewritingScript | OnUnderwriting JScript |
| UniqueID | Gets or sets unique ID of the config. |
| UseDummyInterface | Use dummy application entry. |
| UseHireDateToCalcWaitingPeriod | Use hire date to calculate waiting period. |
| Verified | Gets a value indicating whether this object is verified. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.View.AbstractModelObjectView) |
| Version | Product configuration version. |
| VoicePrintSignatureAllowed | Voice signature is allowed. |
| WaitingPeriod | Enrollment waiting period of the product. |
| WaitingPeriodType | Indicates whether waiting period is days or months. |
| WaiveApplicationNoCoverageRule | Indicates if [WaiveApplicationNoCoverageRule]. |
| WaiveApplicationRule | Indicates if [WaiveApplicationRule]. |