Name | Description | |
Ads | Gets the advertising records. | |
AgeBaseDate | Gets or sets the age base date. | |
Application | Gets the application. It will also create one if doesn't exits | |
BeneficiaryAddressReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary address required. | |
BeneficiaryAge | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [beneficiary age]. | |
BeneficiaryDOBReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary dob req. | |
BeneficiaryFirstLast | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [beneficiary first last]. | |
BeneficiaryGenderReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary gender req. | |
BeneficiaryPhoneReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary phone req. | |
BeneficiaryRelationshipReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary relationship req. | |
BeneficiaryRequired | Gets or sets the beneficiary required. | |
BeneficiarySSNReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary SSN req. | |
BeneficiaryTaxIDReq | Gets or sets the beneficiary tax identifier req. | |
BenefitAmount | Gets the benefit amount. | |
BenefitLevel | Gets the benefit level. | |
Case | Current case | |
CaseProduct | Gets the case product. | |
CaseProductGroupID | Gets the case product group identifier. | |
CaseProductID | Gets the plan identifier. | |
Config | Gets the configuration. | |
ContingentBeneficiaryReq | Gets or sets the contingent beneficiary req. | |
CountryOfCitizenshipRequired | Gets or sets the country of citizenship required. | |
CurrentApplicationPerson | Gets the current application person. | |
DebugRateCalculation | Set this property to "true" if engine rates calculation allowed to output debug information. | |
DecisionSupportEnabled | Gets a value indicating whether [decision support enabled]. | |
EffectiveDate | Gets or sets the effective date. | |
EligibilityDate | Gets or sets the eligibility date. | |
Employee | Gets the employee. | |
EmployeeSalary | Gets or sets the employee salary. | |
EndOpenEnrollment | Gets the end open enrollment. | |
EngineOverridesBeneficiary | Gets a value indicating whether [engine overrides beneficiary]. | |
EngineOverridesHoursWorkedRequired | Gets a value indicating whether [engine overrides hours worked required]. | |
EngineOverridesInsuredAddressRequired | Gets a value indicating whether [engine overrides insured address required]. | |
EngineOverridesInsuredHomePhoneRequired | Gets a value indicating whether [engine overrides insured home phone required]. | |
EngineOverridesInsuredSSNRequired | Gets a value indicating whether [engine overrides insured SSN required]. | |
EnrollerID | Gets the enroller identifier. | |
EnrollmentState | Gets or sets the state of the enrollment. | |
EventDate | Gets or sets the event date. | |
Forms | Gets the forms. | |
GILimit | Gets the gi limit. | |
IsAutocalculateEngine | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is autocalculate engine. | |
IsEnroller | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is enroller. | |
IsReadOnly | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only. | |
JobClass | Gets the job class. | |
JobClassID | Gets the job class identifier. | |
LicenseRequired | Gets a value indicating whether [license required]. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
MaxBenefitAmount | Gets the maximum benefit amount. | |
MinBenefitAmount | Gets the minimum benefit amount. | |
PayerProduct | Gets the payer product. | |
PayerProductID | Gets the payer product identifier. | |
Plan | Gets the plan. | |
PlanYear | Gets the current plan year. | |
PlanYearID | Gets the plan year identifier. | |
PlanYearStartDate | Gets the plan year start date. | |
PolicyNumber | Gets or sets the policy number. | |
Presentations | Gets the presentations. | |
PrimaryInsured | Gets or sets the primary insured. | |
Product | Gets the product. | |
Properties | Gets the properties of the engine. | |
RateCalculationLog | Gets the rate calculation log. | |
RateGroup | Gets or sets the rate group. Rate groups define a set of rates, enrollment rules, presentations, and inter-plan dependencies for the plan. In plans having distinct rates and options for different classes of employees, there will typically be more than one rate group. | |
ReportEvent | When engine create by report engine, that property will have reference to report event. | |
SelfServiceReadOnly | Returns true if Self Service is set to read only in the current case. | |
ShowEstate | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show estate]. | |
ShowLivingChildren | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show living children]. | |
ShowSuccessionOfHeirs | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show succession of heirs]. | |
StartEnrollment | Gets the start enrollment. | |
TerminatedCoverageCutoffDate | Gets the terminated coverage cutoff date. | |
YearsOfService | Gets the years of service. |
Name | Description | |
AddAppPersons | Adds the application persons. | |
AddGracePeriod | Adds the grace period. | |
AddNewPolicyAllowed | Adds the new policy allowed. | |
AllowReenrollment | Overloaded. Allows the reenrollment. | |
AnnualToPayCheck | Overloaded. Annuals to pay check. | |
ApplicationDescription | Applications the description. | |
ApplicationRidersDescription | Applications the riders description. | |
ApplyEmployerContribution | Applies the employer contribution. | |
ApplyFTE | Applies the FTE. | |
ApplyWaiveCredit | Applies the waive credit. | |
AutoConfirm | Returns true if review page can be skipped during enrollment. | |
AutoEnroll | Automatics the enroll. | |
CalcCoverageType | Overloaded. Calculates the type of coverage. | |
CalcDeductionsLeft | Calculates the deductions left. | |
CalcEffectiveDate | Calculates the effective date. | |
CalcEmployeeAddCost | Calculates the employee additional cost. | |
CalcEmployeeCost | Calculates the employee cost. | |
CalcEmployerCost | Calculates the employer cost. | |
CanChange | Determines whether this instance can change the specified co browse mode. | |
CanOpenForEnrollment | Determines whether this instance [can open for enrollment] the specified co browse mode. | |
CanWaive | Determines whether this instance can waive the specified co browse mode. | |
CommitElections | This method commits the elections made by the employee. It generates document signatures and sets the ApplicationDate. | |
ConfigControlTextbankKey | Configurations the control textbank key. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
CoverageDescription | Coverages the description. | |
CoveredPeople | Get a list of people who are covered on the application | |
CoveredPrimaryInsureds | Get a list of people who are covered primary insured on the application | |
CreateActionFromLifeEvent | Returns configuration settings for a specific life event class. | |
CreateForms | Create forms required for the application. | |
EECost | Returns the Employee cost of the plan as currently elected. | |
EnforceCoverageTier | Is Tier in list of tiers which need to force verify? | |
EnrollmentStatus | Returns the Product Enrollment Status. This only applies to this product, not the enrollment session as a whole. | |
ERCost | Returns the Employer cost of the plan as currently elected. | |
GetAnswer | Overloaded. Gets the answer. | |
GetCoverageRecord | Gets the coverage record. | |
GetCoverageRider | Gets the coverage rider. | |
GetDeductionDate | Gets the deduction date. | |
GetEnrollmentCityAndState | Gets the state of the enrollment city and state. | |
GetEnrollThroughDate | Gets the enroll-through date. | |
GetFirstCoverageRecord | Gets current coverage. | |
GetFirstEffectiveCoverageRecord | Gets the first effective coverage record. | |
GetOldestPerson | Gets the oldest person. | |
GetPluginParameterDisplayValue | Gets the plugin parameter display value. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
GetPluginParameterValue | Gets the plugin parameter value. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
GetPrevCoverageRecord | Gets the previous coverage record. | |
GrandfatheredAmount | Indicates the maximum increase allowed. | |
HasCoverage | Determines whether this plan has coverage. | |
HasEngineExtension | Returns true in case engine is set to use engine extension. | |
HasEngineExtensionSupport | Returns true in case engine does support to call engine extension. Can be overriden by each engine. | |
HasProductRates | Determines whether [has product rates]. | |
HasSensitiveData | Determines whether [has sensitive data]. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
IncreaseNotAllowed | Indicates if an increase is not allowed. | |
IsAgentPending | Determines whether [is agent pending]. | |
IsAgentPendingDependentVerification | Determines whether [is agent pending dependent verification]. | |
IsAgentPendingForms | Determines whether [is agent pending forms]. | |
IsAgentPendingLockedCoverage | Determines whether [is agent pending locked coverage]. | |
IsAgentPendingQuestions | Determines whether [is agent pending questions]. | |
IsApplicationDisQualify | Determines whether [is application dis qualify]. | |
IsApplicationPreQualify | Determines whether [is application pre qualify]. | |
IsBaseRateCardExists | Overloaded. Determines whether [is base rate card exists] [the specified product]. | |
IsBridgeEngine | Determines whether [is bridge engine]. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
IsConfigRequired | Determines whether [is configuration required]. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
IsCoverageTypeAvailable | Overloaded. Determines whether [is coverage type available] [the specified payer product identifier]. | |
IsDependenceRulesMet | Overloaded. Determines whether [is dependence rules met]. | |
IsDependentPendingForms | Determines whether [is dependent pending forms]. | |
IsDisabled | Overloaded. Determines whether this plan is disabled. | |
IsEligble | Overloaded. Determines whether the employee is eligble for the plan. | |
IsFirstYearEntry | Determines whether [is first year entry]. | |
IsForceBeneficiaryFirstLastMode | Determines whether [is force beneficiary first last mode]. | |
IsGenderRequired | Determines whether [is gender required]. | |
IsLateEntry | Determines whether [is late entry]. | |
IsLicenseValid | Determines whether [is license valid] [the specified case identifier]. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
IsMultiCoverageEngine | Is engine supports multi coverage enrollment. | |
IsMultiPolicyEngine | Determines whether [is multi policy engine]. | |
IsPersonCanBeCovered | Overloaded. Determines whether [is person can be covered] [the specified person]. | |
IsQuestionsAnswered | Determines whether [is questions answered]. | |
IsReadyToSign | Determines whether [is ready to sign]. | |
IsRenewal | Determines whether this instance is renewal. | |
IsShowOnEnrollmentSite | Determines whether [is show on enrollment site]. | |
LoadApplicationFromCoverage | Loads the application from current coverage. | |
LoadIncompleteApplication | Loads the incomplete application. | |
MaxIncreaseAllowed | Maximums the increase allowed. | |
MonthlyToPayCheck | Overloaded. Converts monthly payment to pay check frequency. | |
NeedAskForDependent | Plan requires dependent information to be eligible to enroll | |
NeedAskForEmployeeDOB | Needs the ask for employee date of birth. | |
NeedAskForEmployeeMobilePhone | Needs the ask for employee mobile phone. | |
NeedAskForEmployeePersonalEmail | Needs the ask for employee personal email. | |
NeedAskForHoursWorked | Plan requires hours worked to be eligible to enroll | |
NeedAskForInsuredAddress | Insured address required for enrollment. | |
NeedAskForInsuredEmail | Insured email required for enrollment. | |
NeedAskForInsuredHomePhone | Insured home phone required for enrollment. | |
NeedAskForInsuredMaritalStatus | Insured marital status required for enrollment. | |
NeedAskForInsuredSSN | Overloaded. Insured SSN required for enrollment. | |
NeedAskForInsuredWorkPhone | Insured work phone required for enrollment. | |
NeedAskForSalary | Insured salary required for enrollment. | |
OpenForEnrollment | Overloaded. Opens for enrollment. | |
PayCheckToMonthly | Converts premium from pay check frequency to monthly. | |
PayerProductsByJobClass | Payers the products by job class. | |
PluginParams | Plugins the parameters. (Inherited from Selerix.BenSelect.View.PluginView) | |
PolicyCancelAllowedRule | Policies the cancel not allowed rule. | |
PolicyChangesNotAllowedRule | Overloaded. The changes not allowed rule Can't change existing policy | |
ProcessPlanDependencies | Processes the plan dependencies. | |
RecalcApplication | Overloaded. Recalcs the application. | |
RequestCoverage | Overloaded. Requests the coverage. | |
RoundAmount | Rounds the amount based on plan rounding rules. | |
SaveAnswer | Overloaded. Saves the answer. | |
Trace | Traces the specified value. | |
UnCommitElections | Unsigns employee elections. | |
UpdatePolicyNumber | Updates the policy number. | |
UseNewQuestionControl | Uses the new question control. | |
ValidatePrimaryInsured | Validates the primary insured. | |
WaiveCoverage | Overloaded. Waives the coverage. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family