Name | Description | |
AddNewPolicyAllowedRule | New policy can added for insured to addition of existing policy. | |
Age | Sets the age parameter. | |
AgeBand | Gets the age band. | |
AgeBandIndex | Sets the age band. | |
AgeLimitsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [age limits enabled]. | |
AgeMonth | Sets the age parameter in months. | |
AgeRange | Gets the age range. | |
AllowedSignatures | Gets allowed signature types. | |
AmountIncrement | Sets the Benefit Amount parameter. | |
ApplyEmployeeSamplesToEveryInsured | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [apply employee samples to every insured] where samples are not set. | |
BenefitAmount | Sets the Benefit Amount parameter. | |
BenefitAmountMode | Benefit Amount Mode | |
BenefitLevel | Sets the Benefit Level parameter. | |
BenefitLimitsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [benefit limits enabled]. | |
Bundle | Sets the bundle parameter | |
ChangeReason | Reason for the config change | |
CustomConfigControl | Returns the path of the custom config control. | |
DefaultBenefitAmount | Gets or sets the default benefit amount. | |
DefaultBenefitLevel | Default benefit level. | |
DefaultCoverageType | Gets or sets default coverage type | |
EmployerContributionRoundFactor | Gets or sets [Round Factor] for Employer Contribution | |
EmployerContributionRoundMode | Gets or sets [Round Mode] for Employer Contribution | |
Feature | Get and set feature values. | |
FixedBenefitAmount | Benefit Amount (Base Plan) | |
FixedPerAmount | Gets the fixed per amount. | |
Gender | Sets the gender parameter. | |
GenderBoth | Sets the gender parameter. | |
GenderFemale | Sets the gender parameter. | |
GenderMale | Sets the gender parameter. | |
GlobalPCP | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [global PCP]. | |
HasAgeBands | Does the controller use age bands when getting or setting rates. | |
HasAges | Does the controller use age values when getting or setting rates. | |
HasBenefitAmounts | Does the controller associate benefit amounts with rates. | |
HasBenefitLevels | Does the controller use benefit levels when getting or setting rates. | |
HasCoverageTiers | Does the controller use coverage tiers when getting or setting rates. | |
HasEditableRateCards | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has editable rate cards. | |
HasEmployeeRate | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has employee rate. | |
HasEmployerRate | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has employer rate. | |
HasGenders | Does the controller use genders when getting or setting rates. | |
HasLimits | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has limits. | |
HasPerAmountOfBenefit | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has per amount of benefit. | |
HasRateAdditionalEmployeeCost | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has rate additional employee cost. | |
HasRateAdditionalEmployerCost | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has rate additional employer cost. | |
HasRateCards | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has rate cards. | |
HasRatePerFixedAmount | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has rate per fixed amount. | |
HasRelationships | Does the controller associate relationships with rates. | |
HasSamples | Gets a value indicating whether this instance has samples. | |
IncreaseNotAllowedRule | Increases require special underwriting rules. If true existing policy will be replaced. If false then it will add additional amount to existing policy. | |
IsBenefitAmountBased | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is benefit amount based. | |
IsRateCard | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [rate card]. | |
Limit | Limit manipulations | |
LimitsForBasePremium | Is the Limit based on the "Base Premium" (true) or the "Total Premium" (false) | |
MaxBenefitAmount | Gets or sets the maximum benefit amount. | |
MaxBenefitPercentOfSalary | Gets or sets the maximum benefit percent of salary. | |
MaxBenefitSalaryMultiplier | Gets or sets the maximum benefit salary multiplier. | |
MinBenefitAmount | Gets or sets the minimum benefit amount. | |
Multiple | Gets the multiple of salary. | |
Parameter | Get and set parameter values. | |
PCPFindUrl | Gets or sets the PCP find URL. | |
PCPNewRequired | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [PCP new required]. | |
PCPNumberFormat | Gets or sets the PCP Number Format. | |
PCPRequired | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [PCP required]. | |
PCPShow | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [PCP show]. | |
Percent | Gets the percent of salary. | |
PolicyCancelNotAllowedRule | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [polycy cancel not allowed rule]. | |
PolicyChangesNotAllowedRule | The changes not allowed rule Can't change existing policy | |
PremiumLimitsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [premium limits enabled]. | |
PremiumLimitsType | Specifies where premium limit should apply. 'Base' - Base premium (not including any riders) 'BasePlusForcedRiders' - Base premium plus forced (included within predefined package) riders 'Total' - Total premium | |
Product | Manipulates the associated payer products and can set active payer product. | |
ProductSortOrder | The Product Sort Order | |
RateCard | Gets the rate card. | |
RateCardID | Which rate structure to use. | |
RateCardsFileName | The name of the configuration file that stores the Rate Card info. | |
RateMode | Sets the "Rate Mode" to a given frequency. | |
RateParameters | All the parameters available. | |
Rates | Gets the rates. | |
Relationship | Sets the relationship parameter. | |
ReplacePolicyNumber | If true then new coverage with no policy number is created. | |
Rider | Manipulates Riders | |
Riders | Riders available. | |
SalaryLimitsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [salary limits enabled]. | |
SalarySamplesList | Only allow benefit amounts from the list of samples | |
SameBenefitAmountForAllInsureds | Same Benefit Amount For All Insureds | |
SampleBenefitFrequencyBase | If the SampleType is a Salary-based value, set the Salary frequency. | |
SampleMaximumPremium | Maximum Sample Benefit | |
SamplePremiumFrequencyBase | If the SampleType is Premium-based value, set premium sample frequency. | |
Samples | Manipulate samples | |
SamplesDisplayType | Gets or sets the display type of the samples. | |
SampleSize | Number of Samples | |
SampleType | The type of samples, determined by the "SampleType" enumeration. | |
ShowAllTiers | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [Show All Tiers]. | |
Tier | Sets the tier parameter. | |
UI_AskForOtherInsurance | Gets or sets a value indicating whether ask for other insurance. | |
UI_CalcBasedOnSalary | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [calculate based on salary]. | |
UI_DeductionFrequencies | Gets or sets the deduction frequencies. | |
UI_DefaultAutoEnrollForceEO | Gets or sets a value indicating whether default automatic enroll force eo. | |
UI_DefaultAutoEnrollProductID | Gets or sets the default automatic enroll product identifier. | |
UI_DefaultAutoVerifyInsureds | Gets or sets a value indicating whether default automatic verify insureds. | |
UI_DefaultPayerProductID | Gets or sets the default payer product identifier. | |
UI_DisplayFormat | Gets or sets the display format. | |
UI_EmployeeMonthlyFee | Gets or sets the employee monthly fee. | |
UI_EmployerMonthlyFee | Gets or sets the employer monthly fee. | |
UI_ExtraChildCostMax | Gets or sets the extra child cost maximum. | |
UI_ExtraChildEmployeeCost | Gets or sets the extra child employee cost. | |
UI_ExtraChildEmployerCost | Gets or sets the extra child employer cost. | |
UI_ExtraDependentsCostMax | Gets or sets the extra dependents cost maximum. | |
UI_MeetsACAQualification | Gets or sets a value indicating whether meets aca qualification. | |
UI_MinimumEssentialCoverage | Gets or sets a value indicating whether minimum essential coverage. | |
UI_MinimumValueCoverage | Gets or sets a value indicating whether minimum value coverage. | |
UI_RatesFrequencyMode | Gets or sets the rates frequency mode. | |
UI_RoundBenefitAmountAfterStepdown | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [round benefit after stepdown]. | |
UI_RoundSalaryFirst | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [round salary first]. | |
UI_ShowBenefitLevel | Gets or sets a value indicating whether show benefit level. | |
UI_ShowTotalCost | Gets or sets a value indicating whether show total cost. | |
UI_ShowUnderACASetup | Gets or sets a value indicating whether product will show up in ACA setup | |
UnderwritingType | Gets or sets the type of the underwriting. | |
UseAgeReduction | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use age reduction]. | |
UseDifferentSamplesForInsureds | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use different samples for insureds]. | |
UseEmployeeAge | Gets or sets [UseEmployeeAge] | |
UseGILimit | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use gi limits]. |
Name | Description | |
AddAgeBand | Adds an age band to a given benefit level | |
AddBenefitLevel | Adds the benefit level. | |
AddBundle | Adds a new bundle and returns its index. | |
AddCollectBeneficiary | Adds or sets a collection beneificiary | |
AddCoverageLevel | Adds a coverage level to the list of enabled levels. | |
AddFeatureRow | Adds an empty feature entry to every feature. | |
AddSampleBenefitAmount | Overloaded. Adds a sample benefit amount to the list. | |
AgeBandExists | Checks if specific age band exists in benefit level | |
DeleteFeatureRow | Deletes feature entrey from every feature at specified index. | |
EnableBenefitLevel | Enables the benefit level. | |
EnableSignatureType | Enables or disables signature type | |
GetAdditionalEmployeeCost | Gets additional employee cost. | |
GetAdditionalEmployerCost | Gets additional employer cost. | |
GetAgeBands | returns list of age bands for a given benefit level. | |
GetAllEmployerContributions | Returns list of all employer contribution. | |
GetBaseEmployeeRate | Gets the base employee rate. | |
GetBaseEmployerRate | Gets the base employer rate. | |
GetBaseRates | Gets base rate. | |
GetBenefitLevelName | Gets benefit level name. | |
GetBundleCount | returns the count of the bundles available. | |
GetBundleDescription | Gets the bundle description. | |
GetBundleEnabled | Retrieves whether a given bundle is enabled. | |
GetBundleName | Retrieves a given bundle's name. | |
GetBundleNameDescTag | Retrieves a given bundle's description | |
GetBundleNameTag | Gets the bundle name tag. | |
GetCollectBeneficiary | Retrieves whether or not a given relationship is a beneficiary. | |
GetCustomParameterValue | Returns the value of a custom parameter. | |
GetCustomProperties | Gets the custom properties. | |
GetDefaultPercentOfSalary | Gets the Default Percent of Salary | |
GetEmployerContribution | retrieves employer Contribution for a given tier. | |
GetFeatureParameterValues | returns list of string values associated with a feature. | |
GetFeatureValue | Gets the feature value. | |
GetGIAge | Get the GI age | |
GetGIBenefit | Get the GI benefit. | |
GetGILimit | Gets the GI limit. | |
GetGIPremium | Get the GI premium | |
GetGISalaryLimit | Gets the GI salary limit. | |
GetGISalaryMultiplier | Get the GI salary Mulitplier. | |
GetLimit | Get a specified limit. | |
GetMaxAge | Get the Maximum age | |
GetMaxBenefit | Get the maximum benefit. | |
GetMaxPremium | Get the maximum premium | |
GetMaxSalaryMultiplier | Get the maximum salary multiplier. | |
GetMGIAge | Get the MGI age | |
GetMGIBenefit | Get the MGI benefit. | |
GetMGIPremium | Get the MGI premium | |
GetMGISalaryMultiplier | Get the MGI salary multiplier. | |
GetMinAge | Get the minimum age | |
GetMinBenefit | Get the minimum benefit. | |
GetMinPremium | Get the Minimum premium | |
GetMinSalaryMultiplier | Get the minimum salary multiplier. | |
GetParameter | Returns the current value of a specified parameter. | |
GetPrimaryInsuredRelationships | Gets the primary insured relationships. | |
GetRates | Gets the rates. | |
GetRelationshipEnabled | Retrieves the "Relationship Enabled" flag. | |
GetRiderCustomFilter | Returns a rider's custom filter for values. | |
GetRiderDefault | Returns a rider's defaul value if it has a range associated. | |
GetRiderDefaultString | Gets the rider default string. | |
GetRiderEmployerContribution | Gets the rider employer contribution. | |
GetRiderIncludeUWLimit | Returns if rider cost should be included when checking UW limits. | |
GetRiderIncrement | Gets the rider increment. | |
GetRiderMax | Returns a rider's maximum value. | |
GetRiderMin | Returns a rider's minimum value. | |
GetRiderState | Returns a given rider's state. | |
GetRiderUWMode | Returns rider underwriting mode. | |
GetSalarySamplesList | Gets the salary samples list. | |
GetSampleBenefitAmounts | Overloaded. Retrieves the sample benefit amounts as a list of decimals. | |
GetSampleBenefitFrequencyBase | Gets the sample benefit frequency base. | |
GetSampleMaximumPremium | Gets the sample maximum premium. | |
GetSamplePremiumFrequencyBase | Gets the sample premium frequency base. | |
GetSampleSize | Gets the size of the sample. | |
GetSampleType | Gets the type of the sample. | |
GetStepDownPercent | Gets "step down" percent. | |
IsBenefitLevelEnabled | Determines whether the specified benefit level is enabled. | |
IsCoverageLevelEnabled | Overloaded. Determines whether the specified coverage level is enabled. | |
IsRiderExists | Determines whether [is rider exists] [the specified name]. | |
IsSignatureTypeEnabled | Gets whether signature type is enabled | |
RemoveAgeBand | Removes an age band from a given benefit level | |
RemoveBenefitLevel | Removes the benefit level. | |
RemoveBundleAt | Removes a bundle from a given index. | |
ReplaceBenefitLevel | Replaces the entire list of enabled coverage levels. | |
ResetBaseRate | Reset base rates. | |
ResetBenefitLevels | Resets the Enabled BenefitLevel array to empty. | |
ResetCollectBeneficiaries | Resets the collection beneficiaries to an empty list. | |
ResetCoverageLevels | Resets the CoverageLevel array to empty. | |
ResetFeatures | Resets the features array, including the number of "slots" needed for the feature options. | |
ResetLimits | Clears and sets limits to have the proper number of records. | |
ResetParameters | Resets the Parameter Enabled and Parameter Value arrays. | |
ResetSampleBenefitAmounts | Overloaded. Resets the Sample Benefit Amounts | |
SetAdditionalEmployeeCost | Sets additional employee cost. | |
SetAdditionalEmployerCost | Sets additional employer cost. | |
SetBundleEnabled | Sets whether a given bundle is enabled. | |
SetBundleName | Sets the bundle name and description for a bundle at a given index. | |
SetDefaultPercentOfSalary | Sets the Default Percent of Salary | |
SetEmployerContribution | Sets the employer contribution for a given tier. | |
SetFeatureValue | Sets a feature value at a given featureOptionIndex. | |
SetGIAge | Set the GI age | |
SetGIBenefit | Set the GI benefit. | |
SetGILimit | Sets the GI limit. | |
SetGIPremium | Set the GI Premium | |
SetGISalaryLimit | Sets the GI salary limit. | |
SetGISalaryMultiplier | Set the GI Salary Multiplier | |
SetLimit | Set the value of a limit. | |
SetMaxAge | Set the maximum age | |
SetMaxAgeFull | Set the maximum age | |
SetMaxBenefit | Set the maximum benefit. | |
SetMaxPremium | Set the Maximum Premium | |
SetMaxSalaryMultiplier | Set the maximum Salary Multiplier | |
SetMGIAge | Set the MGI age | |
SetMGIBenefit | Set the MGI benefit. | |
SetMGIPremium | Set the MGI Premium | |
SetMGISalaryMultiplier | Set the MGI Salary Multiplier | |
SetMinAge | Set the minimum age. | |
SetMinAgeFull | Set the minimum age. | |
SetMinBenefit | Set the minimum benefit. | |
SetMinPremium | Set the Minimum Premium | |
SetMinSalaryMultiplier | Set the minimum Salary Multiplier | |
SetParameter | Sets a parameter's value. | |
SetProductActive | Sets the product active. | |
SetProductActiveByCode | Sets the product active by code. | |
SetProductActiveByID | Sets the product active by identifier. | |
SetProductActiveByName | Sets the name of the product active by. | |
SetRelationshipEnabled | Sets the "Relationship Enabled" flag. | |
SetRiderCustomFilter | Set rider's custom filter for values. | |
SetRiderDefault | Sets a rider's Default value | |
SetRiderDefaultString | Sets the rider default string. | |
SetRiderEmployerContribution | Sets the rider employer contribution. | |
SetRiderIncludeUWLimit | Sets whether rider cost should be use during UW limit check. | |
SetRiderIncrement | Sets the rider increment. | |
SetRiderMax | Set rider's maximum value. | |
SetRiderMin | Sets a rider's minimum value. | |
SetRiderState | Set a rider to a given state, using the default bundle. | |
SetRiderUWMode | Sets rider underwriting mode. | |
SetSalarySamplesList | Sets the salary samples list. | |
SetSampleBenefitFrequencyBase | Sets the sample benefit frequency base. | |
SetSampleMaximumPremium | Sets the sample maximum premium. | |
SetSamplePremiumFrequencyBase | Sets the sample premium frequency base. | |
SetSampleSize | Sets the size of the sample. | |
SetSampleType | Sets the type of the sample. | |
SetStepDownPercent | Sets "step down" percent. | |
UpdateAgeBand | Removes an age band from a given benefit level | |
UpdateBenefitLevel | Removes a benefit level's code and name |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family