BenSelect Documentation
Selerix.BusinessObjects Namespace (Selerix.BusinessObjects)
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback


ClassAssetFile Asset file.
ClassBeneficiaryComparer Compare two Beneficiaries
ClassBenefitAmountSamples Benefit amount samples class
ClassCensusUpload Class CensusUpload. Implements the ReportBase
ClassEmployerMatchInfo Employer match info.
ClassFolder Folder Model Object.
ClassLifeEvent The LifeEvent object.
ClassManageThemeAssociation Managed theme class
ClassMessageCategoryPreference Message Category Preference.
ClassMessageCategoryPreferenceCollection Helper class, represents collection of MessageCategoryPreference.
ClassPayCalendarExport Class representing every row of pay calendar excel export
ClassPersonsAge Someone's age.
ClassRateCard Specifies the attributes of a rate card.
ClassRateCardFinder Specifies the attributes of a rate card finder.
ClassRateCardShortInfo Partial information about RateCard file needed to associate rate cards with Product and select active card
ClassRateCardVariable Specifies the attributes of a rate card variable.
ClassRateCollection Creates a list of rates.
ClassRateFinder Finds the premium rate determined by specific criteria.
ClassRateItem Specifies the attributes of a rate.
ClassRateParam Rate parameter object.
ClassRateParamCollection Creates a list of rate parameters.
ClassRateParamLimit Specifies the rate limit parameters.
ClassRateParamRange Specifies the range of rate parameters.
ClassRateParamValue Specifies the rate parameter values.
ClassRateRider Specifies the attributes of a rate rider.
ClassRateRiderCollection Creates a list of rate riders.
ClassRates Specifies the attributes of rates.
ClassRatesDictionary Creates a rates dictionary.
ClassRateTemplate Specifies the attributes of a rate template.
ClassRateTemplateValue The rate template value.
ClassReport Summary description for Report.
ClassReportBase Class ReportBase. Implements the Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractEntityObject
ClassReportDataSource Summary description for ReportDataSource.
ClassReportList Summary description for ReportList.
ClassReports reports
ClassTextAndLanguage Text and which language the text is in.
ClassTextBankExport Class used to export text bank information.
ClassTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo Access token response
ClassTwoFactorAuthenticationOption Two factor authentication option.
ClassUser Class User.
ClassWebReportControlData Web script control data.


EnumerationAmountMode BenefitAmount mode
EnumerationCaseOperatingDays Case Operating Days.
EnumerationEdiSettingDeductionCodeType Specifies the EDI setting deduction code type.
EnumerationEdiSettingGroupNumberType Specifies the EDI setting group number type.
EnumerationEdiSettingType Enum. Specifies the EDI Setting type
EnumerationEnrollmentWorkflow Defines the worflow used to enroll into multi coverage product types.
EnumerationExtSystemCapability Vendor system capability
EnumerationExtSystemType Type of vendoe system
EnumerationGenderQualifier Gender qualifier enum.
EnumerationLifeEventType LifeEventType
EnumerationLimitType Limit types supported by the controller.
EnumerationLimitTypeFilter Masking enumerations for the LimitType enumeration
EnumerationPayCalendarExportColumns Pay calendar export column indexes
EnumerationPresentationObjectType Presentation type
EnumerationProductSortOrder Indicates the product sort order.
EnumerationRateMergeMode RateMergeMode Enum
EnumerationRateParamState RateParamState Enum
EnumerationRateRiderState RateRiderState Enum
EnumerationRatesAndFormsState Enum. Specifies the type of enrollment or form state.
EnumerationReportPriority Report queue priority.
EnumerationSignatureType Signature type enum
EnumerationTextBankExportColumns The list of text bank export columns and their column indexes.

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