Name | Description | |
ACDCoverageEventDate | Gets the ACD coverage event date. | |
ACDCoverageEventType | Gets the type of the ACD coverage event. | |
ACDCoverageReason | Gets the ACD coverage reason. | |
ACDDependentStatus | Gets the ACD dependent status. | |
ACDEventDate | Gets the ACD event date. | |
ACDEventType | Gets the type of the ACD event. | |
ACDReason | Gets the ACD reason. | |
ACDStatus | Gets the ACD status. | |
Address1 | Gets the address1. | |
Address2 | Gets the address2. | |
AnnualSalary | Gets the annual salary. | |
ApplicationDate | Gets the application date. | |
BeneficiaryReq | Gets the beneficiary req. | |
BenefitAmount | Gets the benefit amount. | |
CaseDescription | Gets the case description. | |
CaseID | Gets the case ID. | |
CaseProductID | Gets the case product ID. | |
City | Gets the city. | |
CoverageBillingDate | Gets the coverage billing date. | |
CoverageEffectiveDate | Gets the coverage effective date. | |
CoverageEndBillingDate | Gets the coverage end billing date. | |
CoverageID | Gets the coverage ID. | |
CoverageTerminationDate | Gets the coverage termination date. | |
CoverageTypeCode | Gets the coverage type code. | |
CoverageTypeID | Gets the coverage type ID. | |
DeductionFrequencyID | Gets the deduction frequency ID. | |
DeductionOptionCode | Gets the deduction option code. | |
Department | Gets the department. | |
DepartmentNumber | Gets the department number. | |
DependentDisabled | Gets the dependent disabled. | |
DependentDOB | Gets the dependent DOB. | |
DependentFirstName | Gets the first name of the dependent. | |
DependentGenderMale | Gets the dependent gender male. | |
DependentLastName | Gets the last name of the dependent. | |
DependentLegalStatusID | Gets the dependent legal status ID. | |
DependentMiddleInit | Gets the dependent middle init. | |
DependentPCPExistingCustomer | Gets the dependent PCP existing customer. | |
DependentPCPGroupID | Gets the dependent PCP group ID. | |
DependentPCPGroupName | Gets the name of the dependent PCP group. | |
DependentPCPName | Gets the name of the dependent PCP. | |
DependentPCPNumber | Gets the dependent PCP number. | |
DependentPersonID | Gets the dependent person ID. | |
DependentRelationship | Gets the dependent relationship as a string. | |
DependentRelationshipID | Gets the dependent relationship ID. | |
DependentSeqNum | Gets the dependent seq num. | |
DependentSSN | Gets the dependent SSN. | |
DependentStudent | Gets the dependent student. | |
DependentSuffix | Gets the dependent suffix. | |
DependentVerificationDocument | Gets the dependent verification document. | |
DOB | Gets the DOB. | |
EligibilityDate | Gets the eligibility date. | |
Gets the email. | ||
EmployeeAddCost | Gets the employee add cost. | |
EmployeeCost | Gets the employee cost. | |
EmployeeDeductionFrequencyID | Gets the employee deduction frequency ID. | |
EmployeeEnrollmentStatusID | Gets the employee enrollment status ID. | |
EmployeeID | Gets the employee ID. | |
EmployeeIdent | Gets the employee ident. | |
EmployeeIsMarried | Gets a value indicating whether [employee is married]. | |
EmployeePCPExistingCustomer | Gets the employee PCP existing customer. | |
EmployeePCPGroupID | Gets the employee PCP group ID. | |
EmployeePCPGroupName | Gets the name of the employee PCP group. | |
EmployeePCPName | Gets the name of the employee PCP. | |
EmployeePCPNumber | Gets the employee PCP number. | |
EmployeeStatus | Gets the employee status. | |
EmployeeStatusID | Gets the employee status ID. | |
EmployerCost | Gets the employer cost. | |
EndOpenEnrollment | Gets the end open enrollment. | |
EnrollerName | Gets the name of the enroller. | |
EnrollmentStatus | Gets the enrollment status. | |
EventDate | Gets the event date. | |
EventType | Gets the type of the event. | |
FirstName | Gets the first name. | |
FTERate | Gets the FTE rate. | |
Gender | Gets a value indicating the [Gender]. Selerix.Foundation.Gender | |
GenderMale | Gets a value indicating whether [gender male]. | |
HireDate | Gets the hire date. | |
HomePhone | Gets the home phone. | |
HourlyWage | Gets the hourly wage. | |
HoursPerWeek | Gets the hours per week. | |
IncreaseBenefitAmount | Gets the increase benefit amount. | |
IncreaseDeductionOptionCode | Gets the increase deduction option code. | |
IncreaseEmployeeCost | Gets the increase employee cost. | |
IncreaseEmployerCost | Gets the increase employer cost. | |
Item | Overridden. Gets or sets the System.Object with the specified property name. | |
JobClass | Gets the job class. | |
JobClassBenefitType | Gets the type of the job class benefit. | |
LastName | Gets the last name. | |
LocationCode | Gets the location code. | |
LocationDescription | Gets the location description. | |
LocationID | Gets the location ID. | |
MiddleInit | Gets the middle init. | |
OldBenefitAmount | Gets the old benefit amount. | |
OldCoverageID | Gets the old coverage ID. | |
OldCoverageTypeID | Gets the old coverage type ID. | |
OldDeductionOptionCode | Gets the old deduction option code. | |
OldEmployeeAddCost | Gets the old employee add cost. | |
OldEmployeeCost | Gets the old employee cost. | |
OldEmployerCost | Gets the old employer cost. | |
OldPayerProductID | Gets the old payer product ID. | |
OldPayerProductName | Gets the old name of the payer product. | |
OldPayerProductTagName | Gets the old name of the payer product tag. | |
OtherInsurance | Gets the other insurance. | |
PayerControlNumber | Gets the payer control number. | |
PayerProductID | Gets the payer product ID. | |
PayerProductTagName | Gets the name of the payer product tag. | |
PayrollFrequencyID | Gets the payroll frequency ID. | |
PayrollLocation | Gets the payroll location. | |
PersonID | Gets the person ID. | |
PIN | Gets the PIN. | |
PlanName | Gets the name of the plan. | |
PlanTagName | Gets the name of the plan tag. | |
Prefix | Gets the prefix. | |
ProductName | Gets the name of the product. | |
PTOBalance | Gets the PTO balance. | |
PTOCost | Gets the PTO cost. | |
ReasonType | Gets the type of the reason. | |
Section125 | Gets the section125. | |
SSN | Gets the SSN. | |
StartEnrollment | Gets the start enrollment. | |
State | Gets the state. | |
Suffix | Gets the suffix. | |
TerminationDate | Gets the termination date. | |
Title | Gets the title. | |
UWPending | Gets the UW pending. | |
WorkPhone | Gets the work phone. | |
ZIP | Gets the ZIP. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family