Name | Description | |
Address1 | Gets the first line of the employee's address. | |
Address2 | Gets the second line of the employee's address. | |
BeneficiaryReq | Gets the beneficiary req. | |
BenefitAmount | Gets the benefit amount. | |
CaseDescription | Gets the case description. | |
CaseID | Gets the case ID. | |
CaseProductGroupID | Gets the Case Product Group ID. | |
CaseProductID | Gets the case product ID. | |
City | Gets the city of the employee's address. | |
CoverageID | Gets the coverage id, defaulting to 0 if it is null. | |
CoverageTypeCode | Gets the coverage type code | |
CoverageTypeID | Gets the coverage type id. | |
CoverageTypeName | Gets the coverage type description | |
DeductionFrequencyID | Gets the coverage deduction frequency id. | |
DeductionOptionCode | Gets the Coverage's Deduction Option Code. | |
DepartmentDescription | Gets the department's description. | |
DOB | Gets the employee's Date of Birth. | |
EffectiveDate | Gets the Coverage effective date. | |
Gets the Employee's email address. | ||
EmployeeAddCost | Gets the Employee Add cost for the coverage. | |
EmployeeCost | Gets the Employee Cost for the coverage. | |
EmployeeDateOfHire | Gets the Employee's hire date. | |
EmployeeID | Gets the Employee's primary key. | |
EmployeeIdent | Get the Employee's assigned ID. | |
EmployeeTerminationDate | Gets the Employee's termination date. | |
EmployerCost | Gets the Employer cost. | |
EmploymentStatusID | Gets the Employee's employment status id. | |
FirstName | Gets the employee's first name. | |
GenderMale | Gets a bit indicating if the employee is male. | |
HomePhone | Gets the employee's home phone number. | |
IncreaseBenefitAmount | Gets the coverage's increase beenfit amount. | |
IncreaseEmployeeCost | Gets the coverage's increase to employee cost. | |
IncreaseEmployerCost | Gets the coverage's increase to employer cost. | |
InsuredDOB | Gets the insured's Date of Birth. | |
InsuredFirstName | Gets the insured's first name. | |
InsuredGenderMale | Gets a bit indicating if the insured is male. | |
InsuredLastName | Gets the insured's last name. | |
InsuredMiddleInit | Gets the insured's middle initial. | |
InsuredSSN | Gets the insured's ssn. | |
Item | Gets or sets the System.Object with the specified property name. (Inherited from ETI.Report.BenefitAgentRecordBase) | |
LastName | Gets the employee's last name. | |
LocationDescription | Gets the location description. | |
LocationID | Gets the location ID. | |
MiddleInit | Gets the employee's middle initial. | |
PayerID | Gets the payer ID. | |
PayerProductID | Gets the payer product ID. | |
PayerProductName | Gets the Payer Product Name. | |
PIN | Gets the employee's PIN. | |
PlanName | Gets the Case Product's description. | |
PolicyNumber | Gets the coverage's policy number. | |
ReasonType | Gets the Coverage Reason type's description. | |
ReasonTypeID | Gets the reason type id. | |
Section125 | Gets whether or not the Section125 bit is set. | |
SSN | Gets the employee's ssn. | |
State | Gets the state of the employee's address. | |
TerminationDate | Gets the coverage termination date. | |
UWPending | Gets whether or not the UWPending bit is set. | |
WorkPhone | Gets the employee's work phone number. | |
XMLTagName | Gets the Case Product's XMLTagName. | |
ZIP | Gets the zip or postal code of the employee's address. |
Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family