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ReportData Class
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Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities Namespace : ReportData Class
Summary description for ReportData.

Public Properties

public PropertyAsOfDateDate when object was last updated. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractFactoryObject)
public PropertyDeletedGets or sets a value indicating whether this AbstractDataObject is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractDataObject)
public PropertyEntityUserCountGets or sets the entity user count. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)
public PropertyFileNamePath to object config file.  
public PropertyFolderGuidGets or sets the folder GUID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)
public PropertyHideEntityFromViewGets or sets a value indicating whether to hide entity from view. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)
public PropertyIsTransientGets a value indicating whether this instance is transient. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractFactoryObject)
public PropertyNameGets or sets the name.  
public PropertyOutputFormatGets or sets the output format.  
public PropertyOwnerGet owner of object.  
public PropertyOwnerFullNameGets or sets the full name of the owner. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)
public PropertyOwnerUserIDGets or sets the owner user ID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)
public PropertyPKPrimary key of the object. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractFactoryObject)
public PropertySubObjectFlagsFlag indicating sublevel objects that exist (have been created) for this top-level object. More than one flag can be set. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractDataObject)
public PropertyTemplateGuidGets or sets the template GUID.  
public PropertyUniqueIDGets or sets the unique ID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)
public PropertyVerifiedIndicates the data in the object has passed the set of business rules that were being checked for this object (Preinsert, Predelete, or Preupdate). (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractDataObject)

Public Methods

public MethodEqualsDetermines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractFactoryObject)
public MethodGetHashCodeReturns a hash code for this instance. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractFactoryObject)
public MethodIsValidObjectDetermines whether object was saved to database. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractFactoryObject)
public MethodShouldSerializeOwnerShouldSerialize[Object] method (where [Object] is the object name) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element.  
public MethodToModelCreates model object based on database object (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Interfaces.Entities.AbstractEntityDataObject)

Inheritance Hierarchy


Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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