BenSelect Documentation
Selerix.Foundation Namespace (Selerix.Foundation)
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback


ClassBase32 Class Base32. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassCompression Helper class to work with archiving.
ClassDateExtensions Date time extansion methods
ClassDateTimeExtensions Extensions methods for DateTime.
ClassEncryptor Class Encryptor. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassEventSubClassExtensions Life event extension methods.
ClassExcelCellLocation Used to describe a location on a spreadsheet
ClassFileCheckSum Class FileCheckSum. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassGenderExtension Gender related extension methods.
ClassJScriptRuntimeException Thrown for JScript runtime errors.
ClassLogManager Class LogManager.
ClassLogOnlyException Log only inner exception
ClassNamedMutex A named mutex is better than a synclock because it works across process boundaries. Example: using (var mutex = new NamedMutex("WriteToLogFile")) {
ClassRateCalculationHelper Class RateCalculationHelper.
ClassSelerixException Defines the properties of a thrown exception.
ClassSelerixJScriptRuntimeException A custom exception used for displaying error messages
ClassSoftwareVersion Application software version
ClassSortAttribute Sorts attributes.
ClassStringExtensions string extensions
ClassVersionInformation Plugin version Info


InterfaceILockableObject<T> Interface ILockableObject
InterfaceILog Interface ILog
InterfaceIRateParam Rate parameter interface
InterfaceIVersionObject<T> Interface IVersionObject
InterfaceIZipArchive Represents a package of compressed files in the zip archive format.
InterfaceIZipArchiveEntry Represents a compressed file within a zip archive.


EnumerationAddDependentReason Reasons for adding a dependent
EnumerationApplicationCoverageReason 384 coverage termination codes.
EnumerationApplicationStatus Enum. Specifies the status of the application.
EnumerationAssociationType User Association Type
EnumerationBankAccountType Enum. Specifies the type of bank account.
EnumerationBankType Enum. Specifies if the account is a checking or savings account.
EnumerationBeneficiaryNumberGeneration Enumeration that specified how to generate the next beneficiary number value.
EnumerationCaseEventSubClass Enum. Case setup event sub types.
EnumerationCaseSourceType Specifies the source of the case
EnumerationCaseType Case type
EnumerationCertificateSortingField Enumeration of sortable field for certificate.
EnumerationCertificateType Type of certificate
EnumerationChangeReason Change reason
EnumerationCompression.CompressionType Indicates the type of compression
EnumerationConfirmWaiveEnrollmentRule Waive confirmation
EnumerationCreditType Enum. Specifies the credit card type.
EnumerationCustomFieldScope List of Custom Field Scopes
EnumerationCustomFieldType Enum. Specifies the attributes for the custom field type.
EnumerationDatabaseKind What type of database is this?
EnumerationDefaultPINType Enum. Specifies the PIN type.
EnumerationDefaultUserIdRule Enum. Specifies the rule for building a default UserID
EnumerationDependentNumberGeneration Enumeration that specified how to generate the next dependent number value.
EnumerationDependentVerificationDocument Enum DependentVerificationDocument
EnumerationEngagementEmploymentStatusChangeEventSubType Sub events for an employment status change event.
EnumerationEngagementEventSubType List of valid engagement event sub types.
EnumerationEngagementEventType List of valid engagement event types.
EnumerationEngagementLifeEventSubType Sub events for a life event.
EnumerationEngagementParentEvent Engagement Parent Event. This is used to partition sub events.
EnumerationEngineName Engine type
EnumerationenmCustomFieldType Enum. Specifies the custom field type.
EnumerationenmEmployeeEnrollmentStatus Enum. Specifies the employee enrollment status.
EnumerationenmEmployeeStatus Enum. Specifies the employment status of the employee.
EnumerationenmProductEnrollmentStatus Enum. Specifies the product enrollment status.
EnumerationenmRoundingMode Enum for rounding.
EnumerationenmSignatureDataType Enum. Specifies the signature data type; for example, PIN or Topaz.
EnumerationenmSignatureMode Enum. Specifies the signature mode, whether it's digitized, voice confirmation, etc.
EnumerationenmSignatureOwnerType Enum. Specifies the type of signature of the owner, whether employee or enroller.
EnumerationEnrollerType Possible types that an enroller might be.
EnumerationEnrollmentLocation Location of enrollment session
EnumerationEnrollmentPreSelection Specifies default pre-selection for Apply/Decline choice on application screen for coverage 'Apply' - Apply coverage option will checked on aplication screen 'Waive' - Waive coverage option will checked on aplication screen 'Neither' - Apply and Waive options will unchecked on aplication screen
EnumerationEnrollmentSessionType The type of enrollment session.
EnumerationEnrollmentStatus Enum. Indicates the enrollment status.
EnumerationEventClass Enum. Indicates the event type.
EnumerationEventSubClass Enum. Indicates the specific type of event.
EnumerationEventSubClassEx Enum. Employee payroll event sub types.
EnumerationExistingCoverageEnrollmentRule Existing coverage enrollment rule.
EnumerationFormFormat Form format
EnumerationFormProviderType Enum. Indicates the type of form provider.
EnumerationFormType Enum. Indicates the type of form the applicant is completing.
EnumerationFrequency Enum. Specifies the number of times per year the premium is paid.
EnumerationGender Enum. Specifies the gender type.
EnumerationInterfaceOption Mode of current accessibility to an object.
EnumerationInterfacePosition Default location of element
EnumerationLanguages Enum. Indicates the language.
EnumerationLanguagesAvailable Specifies the available languages.
EnumerationLegalStatus Enum. Legal status of relationship to applicant.
EnumerationLifeEventProcessingStep Indicates what step the event is on
EnumerationMappingCategory Specifies the mapping category.
EnumerationMaritalStatus Enum. Marital Status of applicant.
EnumerationMaskType MaskType
EnumerationMemberSearch Member search
EnumerationMessageReminderType Message Reminder Type
EnumerationNation Enum. Specifies a nation.
EnumerationNewCoverageEnrollmentRule New coverage enrollment rule.
EnumerationOfferingEnrollmentStyle Offering enrollment style.
EnumerationPasswordVerificationResult Specifies the results for password verification.
EnumerationPayHistoryWageType Enum PayHistoryWageType
EnumerationPaymentType Enum. Specifies the attributes of how an applicant pays for coverage.
EnumerationPermission Permissions
EnumerationPermissionEventType User changes Permission Types
EnumerationPrerequisiteRules Specifies prerequisite requirements to check
EnumerationPresentationPlace Presentation place.
EnumerationPresentationType Presentation type enumeration.
EnumerationProductType Enum. Indicates the product type.
EnumerationQuestionAnswerDirection Direction of answer control
EnumerationQuestionAnswerLocation Location of answer control related to question
EnumerationQuestionHorizontalAlign Indicates the horizontal alignment of the questions on the questionnaire form.
EnumerationQuestionRepeatDirection Indicates the repeat direction of radio button type questions.
EnumerationQuestionType Enum. Specifies the attributes of the question form type; for example, if the question is a combo box.
EnumerationRateParamType Editable parameter type
EnumerationRelationship Enum. Type of relationship
EnumerationRelationshipCode Enumeration for the Relationship table based on "RelationshipCode".
EnumerationRiderPaymentContribution Determine who pays rider cost
EnumerationScriptPlace Specifies where the script is located.
EnumerationSignatureDataType Enum. Specifies the type of signature data.
EnumerationSignatureMode Enum. Indicates the type of signature used to sign the application.
EnumerationSignatureOwnerType Enum. Indicates the source of the signature.
EnumerationSmokerStatus Enum. Smoker status of applicant.
EnumerationSortingDirection Represents the direction of sorting for a column.
EnumerationSpecialRoleType Possible special role types
EnumerationSpouseSignatureMode Enum. Specifies the spouse signature mode, whether sign during enrollment, sign separately or all modes.
EnumerationState Enum. Specifies the state.
EnumerationTextBankSearchMode Enum TextBankSearchMode
EnumerationTextBankSearchScope Enum TextBankSearchScope
EnumerationThemeAssetType Theme Asset Type
EnumerationTier Enum. Specifies the coverage tier of the insured.
EnumerationTierCode Enum. Specifies the code associated with a specific tier.
EnumerationTransmittalType Enum. Type of transmittal container.
EnumerationTriggeredBy Enum TriggeredBy
EnumerationUnderwritingMode Enum. Indicates the underwriting mode of application.
EnumerationUploadMode Specifies the upload mode.
EnumerationUploadXMLStatus Enum. Specifies the xml upload status.
EnumerationUserEventType User changes event types

See Also

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