Class | Description | |
Base32 | Class Base32. This class cannot be inherited. | |
Compression | Helper class to work with archiving. | |
DateExtensions | Date time extansion methods | |
DateTimeExtensions | Extensions methods for DateTime. | |
Encryptor | Class Encryptor. This class cannot be inherited. | |
EventSubClassExtensions | Life event extension methods. | |
ExcelCellLocation | Used to describe a location on a spreadsheet | |
FileCheckSum | Class FileCheckSum. This class cannot be inherited. | |
GenderExtension | Gender related extension methods. | |
JScriptRuntimeException | Thrown for JScript runtime errors. | |
LogManager | Class LogManager. | |
LogOnlyException | Log only inner exception | |
NamedMutex | A named mutex is better than a synclock because it works across process boundaries. Example: using (var mutex = new NamedMutex("WriteToLogFile")) { | |
RateCalculationHelper | Class RateCalculationHelper. | |
SelerixException | Defines the properties of a thrown exception. | |
SelerixJScriptRuntimeException | A custom exception used for displaying error messages | |
SoftwareVersion | Application software version | |
SortAttribute | Sorts attributes. | |
StringExtensions | string extensions | |
VersionInformation | Plugin version Info |
Interface | Description | |
ILockableObject<T> | Interface ILockableObject | |
ILog | Interface ILog | |
IRateParam | Rate parameter interface | |
IVersionObject<T> | Interface IVersionObject | |
IZipArchive | Represents a package of compressed files in the zip archive format. | |
IZipArchiveEntry | Represents a compressed file within a zip archive. |
Enumeration | Description | |
AddDependentReason | Reasons for adding a dependent | |
ApplicationCoverageReason | 384 coverage termination codes. | |
ApplicationStatus | Enum. Specifies the status of the application. | |
AssociationType | User Association Type | |
BankAccountType | Enum. Specifies the type of bank account. | |
BankType | Enum. Specifies if the account is a checking or savings account. | |
BeneficiaryNumberGeneration | Enumeration that specified how to generate the next beneficiary number value. | |
CaseEventSubClass | Enum. Case setup event sub types. | |
CaseSourceType | Specifies the source of the case | |
CaseType | Case type | |
CertificateSortingField | Enumeration of sortable field for certificate. | |
CertificateType | Type of certificate | |
ChangeReason | Change reason | |
Compression.CompressionType | Indicates the type of compression | |
ConfirmWaiveEnrollmentRule | Waive confirmation | |
CreditType | Enum. Specifies the credit card type. | |
CustomFieldScope | List of Custom Field Scopes | |
CustomFieldType | Enum. Specifies the attributes for the custom field type. | |
DatabaseKind | What type of database is this? | |
DefaultPINType | Enum. Specifies the PIN type. | |
DefaultUserIdRule | Enum. Specifies the rule for building a default UserID | |
DependentNumberGeneration | Enumeration that specified how to generate the next dependent number value. | |
DependentVerificationDocument | Enum DependentVerificationDocument | |
EngagementEmploymentStatusChangeEventSubType | Sub events for an employment status change event. | |
EngagementEventSubType | List of valid engagement event sub types. | |
EngagementEventType | List of valid engagement event types. | |
EngagementLifeEventSubType | Sub events for a life event. | |
EngagementParentEvent | Engagement Parent Event. This is used to partition sub events. | |
EngineName | Engine type | |
enmCustomFieldType | Enum. Specifies the custom field type. | |
enmEmployeeEnrollmentStatus | Enum. Specifies the employee enrollment status. | |
enmEmployeeStatus | Enum. Specifies the employment status of the employee. | |
enmProductEnrollmentStatus | Enum. Specifies the product enrollment status. | |
enmRoundingMode | Enum for rounding. | |
enmSignatureDataType | Enum. Specifies the signature data type; for example, PIN or Topaz. | |
enmSignatureMode | Enum. Specifies the signature mode, whether it's digitized, voice confirmation, etc. | |
enmSignatureOwnerType | Enum. Specifies the type of signature of the owner, whether employee or enroller. | |
EnrollerType | Possible types that an enroller might be. | |
EnrollmentLocation | Location of enrollment session | |
EnrollmentPreSelection | Specifies default pre-selection for Apply/Decline choice on application screen for coverage 'Apply' - Apply coverage option will checked on aplication screen 'Waive' - Waive coverage option will checked on aplication screen 'Neither' - Apply and Waive options will unchecked on aplication screen | |
EnrollmentSessionType | The type of enrollment session. | |
EnrollmentStatus | Enum. Indicates the enrollment status. | |
EventClass | Enum. Indicates the event type. | |
EventSubClass | Enum. Indicates the specific type of event. | |
EventSubClassEx | Enum. Employee payroll event sub types. | |
ExistingCoverageEnrollmentRule | Existing coverage enrollment rule. | |
FormFormat | Form format | |
FormProviderType | Enum. Indicates the type of form provider. | |
FormType | Enum. Indicates the type of form the applicant is completing. | |
Frequency | Enum. Specifies the number of times per year the premium is paid. | |
Gender | Enum. Specifies the gender type. | |
InterfaceOption | Mode of current accessibility to an object. | |
InterfacePosition | Default location of element | |
Languages | Enum. Indicates the language. | |
LanguagesAvailable | Specifies the available languages. | |
LegalStatus | Enum. Legal status of relationship to applicant. | |
LifeEventProcessingStep | Indicates what step the event is on | |
MappingCategory | Specifies the mapping category. | |
MaritalStatus | Enum. Marital Status of applicant. | |
MaskType | MaskType | |
MemberSearch | Member search | |
MessageReminderType | Message Reminder Type | |
Nation | Enum. Specifies a nation. | |
NewCoverageEnrollmentRule | New coverage enrollment rule. | |
OfferingEnrollmentStyle | Offering enrollment style. | |
PasswordVerificationResult | Specifies the results for password verification. | |
PayHistoryWageType | Enum PayHistoryWageType | |
PaymentType | Enum. Specifies the attributes of how an applicant pays for coverage. | |
Permission | Permissions | |
PermissionEventType | User changes Permission Types | |
PrerequisiteRules | Specifies prerequisite requirements to check | |
PresentationPlace | Presentation place. | |
PresentationType | Presentation type enumeration. | |
ProductType | Enum. Indicates the product type. | |
QuestionAnswerDirection | Direction of answer control | |
QuestionAnswerLocation | Location of answer control related to question | |
QuestionHorizontalAlign | Indicates the horizontal alignment of the questions on the questionnaire form. | |
QuestionRepeatDirection | Indicates the repeat direction of radio button type questions. | |
QuestionType | Enum. Specifies the attributes of the question form type; for example, if the question is a combo box. | |
RateParamType | Editable parameter type | |
Relationship | Enum. Type of relationship | |
RelationshipCode | Enumeration for the Relationship table based on "RelationshipCode". | |
RiderPaymentContribution | Determine who pays rider cost | |
ScriptPlace | Specifies where the script is located. | |
SignatureDataType | Enum. Specifies the type of signature data. | |
SignatureMode | Enum. Indicates the type of signature used to sign the application. | |
SignatureOwnerType | Enum. Indicates the source of the signature. | |
SmokerStatus | Enum. Smoker status of applicant. | |
SortingDirection | Represents the direction of sorting for a column. | |
SpecialRoleType | Possible special role types | |
SpouseSignatureMode | Enum. Specifies the spouse signature mode, whether sign during enrollment, sign separately or all modes. | |
State | Enum. Specifies the state. | |
TextBankSearchMode | Enum TextBankSearchMode | |
TextBankSearchScope | Enum TextBankSearchScope | |
ThemeAssetType | Theme Asset Type | |
Tier | Enum. Specifies the coverage tier of the insured. | |
TierCode | Enum. Specifies the code associated with a specific tier. | |
TransmittalType | Enum. Type of transmittal container. | |
TriggeredBy | Enum TriggeredBy | |
UnderwritingMode | Enum. Indicates the underwriting mode of application. | |
UploadMode | Specifies the upload mode. | |
UploadXMLStatus | Enum. Specifies the xml upload status. | |
UserEventType | User changes event types |